New YouTube Video!! “I Needed the Money”

I have FINALLY posted on YouTube again after not posting for SEVEN months. I am hoping to get into doing weekly vlogs! Please give me some video ideas!

Click here to go to my new video.

My video is a vlog about my long work shifts, yoga, and my skin care routine.

Music to Me: Get Better by Scotty Sire

Scotty Sire is a YouTuber. He’s made quite a few songs. “Get Better” is probably my favorite of his. Although I am really fond of his new single “Notice Me.”

Fun fact: When Scotty Sire and Bruce Weigner sat down to write a song, they were going to write a happy song. They were not feeling it, and they wrote a song about breaking down. I think Bruce said that he had just broken down in his car just that day or the day before.

This song really speaks to me.

Everyone breaks down crying sometime in their life. I’ve done it plenty of times (especially when I’m on my period, yikes). When writing this song, they were thinking about their girlfriends and about how they break down in front of them sometimes. I can’t relate to breaking down in front of people because I do it when I’m alone, but the feeling this song gives me is still strong.

With that being said, I’m going to pick some lyrics from the song and explain what they mean to me.

“Walking around like the weight of the world is on my shoulders / Two big boulders, trying to get up but I’m sinking / And I’m plagued by my overthinking”

I overthink a lot.

My mind is always going a mile a minute, and sometimes I can hardly even hear myself think because everything gets blurred together. I’m not going to lie. For the past few weeks it’s like my mental health has been buried six feet under, but every day I am trying and trying to crawl back out again.

“But I don’t wanna open up ’cause I don’t wanna bring you down”

In my group of friends, I am known to be more closed off to talking about my feelings. I don’t like people pitying me, and I’ve always had the mentality that I could get better on my own.

I think it does start with you though. I’ve tried to turn to other people to make me happy. It would work for a little while, but they would eventually leave. You can’t always depend on people. You need to figure out how to make yourself happy first.

“I’m trying to pull myself together / I’m trying, I’m trying to get better”

I really am trying to get better on my own. Today has actually been a step forward. If you need help trying to “pull yourself together,” there are many different things you could do.

Read a good book. Hang out with some friends. Spend some time in the sunshine (get that vitamin d). Go explore a new place. Exercise. Talk about how you’re feeling to somebody – if this helps, I greatly recommend it.

One thing that I learned recently is that you need to make sure you eat good because that could be one reason why you feel low.

“I wanna get better, it’s gonna get better”

There are a lot of things I don’t know. I don’t know how I’m going to feel today, tomorrow or next week. All I know is that, at some point, it is going to better. I may feel bad again at some point, but it will always get better.