New Year Resolutions

My 2024 has started out with me being sick. For the past three weeks, I have not felt like being productive at all. I am normally on top of making my new year resolutions and starting to implement them to my life already. I am eleven days behind, but I am ready to start the new year.

The main New Years Resolution that I have that I want to focus on this year is to be more creative, and to have fun with it. I enjoy blogging and YouTube, but I feel as though I somehow make it into a chore. My goal is to do those things and have fun doing them.

I want to post on YouTube at least twice a month, and post on my blog twice a month as well. I hope at some point I can do both once a week, but I know if I make that my goal right now I would fail. I also really want to work on a book that I have been trying to write. I do want to do that once a week, if not more.

Onto another goal I have, toward the end of 2023, I really slacked off on going to the gym. I was busy, and honestly, I didn’t want to make the drive to the gym. The whole thing takes up a bit of time. I am going to start getting back into the gym, and even start doing more cardio and yoga on top of my strength training. I will be working out three to four times a week. I know when I am working out consistently I feel so much better than the way that I am feeling right now.

Lastly, one of my main goals is my reading goal. In 2023, I made a reading goal of 30 books, and I exceeded that goal during the summer so I extended it to 50 books. I ended up hitting my 50 books goal on Christmas Eve. I want to challenge myself this year so I made my reading goal to be 50 books. I haven’t made as much time lately to read so I really want to make more time for it like I did the first six months of last year. I’ve already compiled a list of books I want to read this year that I may share on here later.

These are my main goals for 2024. Do you have any new year resolutions? What are they, and how are you going to reach them?

June goals

May seemed to have gone by in the blink of an eye, but I am proud of all that I have accomplished with my goals. Here’s the new goals for the month of June.

  • Buy a new planner
  • Read 2 books
  • Post 4 blog posts
  • Post 4 YouTube videos
  • Get tanner
  • Walk 30 miles for cancer
  • Take vitamins daily
  • Meditate 3X a week
  • Go hiking
  • Practice writing
  • 22 push ups every day
  • 22 squats every day
  • Clean house

Letter to Myself


You are more than enough. I know you are not told that often, but I swear you are. You bring a light to more people’s lives than you let yourself believe you do.

You are not perfect, but that is what makes you so real and interesting. You laugh often. You are honest. You are kind. You are caring. You try to not to judge. You are a motivator.

You have cute freckles and laugh lines around your eyes. You’re passionate about working out. You love your pets and best friends. Family, too.

You are the main character in your own story.

You don’t have everything [or really anything] figured out, and that’s OK.

Every single day you are just trying to be a better person than you were the day before.

Lastly, you are important. You are worthy. You are everything you sometimes think you’re not. You matter. There are people in this world that would miss your presence if you were gone.

Keep surviving until you are living.

I love you.

Love, Kelli

Mental Health Monday #2

I have been super busy this past week, and I feel like this week is going to be even busier. I’m not going to lie – because of how busy and stressed I have been, I’ve had a breakdown or two. I am in my last semester of school, and it is so stressful making sure that I have everything I need to graduate.

On a positive note, I have been sticking with working out! I have worked out 5/7 days this past week. I am super proud of myself, and I hope to keep working out as I know that it makes me feel better about myself. There was a few times that I got up early and went to the gym or just worked out in my room. When I go to the gym, I try to have a list of workouts that I want to do so I won’t get there and be scratching my head on what I want to do next. In my dorm room, I have multiple different websites that I use to do workout videos. There’s beachbody (not free), blogilates (free), YouTube (free), and FitOn (free).

The reason I’m talking about working out so much is because it has helped me so much. As I think I said in my last Mental Health Monday post, I have noticed that exercise and meditation have helped me become happier.

Doing those things aren’t the only thing I have been doing. Since last semester, I have been going to counseling at my health center on campus (so it’s free). I feel like I have made progress. My counselor helps me realize that the thoughts I have are “irrational” – my words, not hers. I actually have a session this Thursday so I will let you know how that goes! My main problem is that I have a negative way of thinking. While I have come a LONG way, I still have a long way to go.

Here are some things I want to work on this week:

1. be more social/get out of my comfort zone

2. work out regularly

3. use less negative language toward myself

4. be more mindful

5. eat healthier

Do you have any goals for this week? How are you going to practice self-care?


January in Pictures

Do you ever have that weird experience where you can’t tell if time went by really fast or really slow? That’s me right now. Part of me is like “oh wow, January is already almost over,” but then another part of me is like “oh wow, it’s ONLY January.”

Anyway, here’s what my January looked like!

My January has been quite interesting. I started an internship (which I love). I am working out again. I’m drinking lots of good coffee and even been meditating.

I want to give an explanation for the last picture. The last picture is (obviously) of my shower (which I share with two suitemates). Last night one of them called me and asked if I knew what happened to the shower head. I asked. “.. what do you mean what happened to the shower head?” I went into the bathroom and it was literally GONE. We don’t know who took it or when. I know it was sometime yesterday between 12 p.m. and 11 p.m. but other than that, we have no idea exactly when or how or WHY.

Mental Health Monday #1

On Instagram, I follow the hashtag “#Mentalhealthmatters” because I love reading motivational quotes and people’s stories. I was scrolling through my Instagram earlier when I see a guy that had ‘Mental Health Monday #2’ as the start of his caption. (His insta is nickfituk). This post struck me differently than the others. Every Monday he is going to post a blog about mental health, and that is what I decided I wanted to do too. (You should join in on Mental Health Monday also!)

Mental health is a part of everyone. Sometimes it can be good mental health, but then sometimes it can be bad. I’ve dealt with a lot of bad mental health in my life. I don’t always know why it is there. It just shows up in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, I think I am slowly getting out of an episode. I have been more productive and slightly happier these last few weeks. I think I mostly needed a break from school. I was severely isolating myself.

For 2020, my main goal is to take care of myself better. Sometimes I get so frustrated with  myself because I know things that would make me feel better, but I talk myself out of doing them anyway.

Two of the main things that improves my mood is exercise and meditation. Exercising has been a bit more difficult here lately because every time I run, I feel like passing out. I’ve been dealing with a sinus problem since November (and yes, I’ve been to the doctor). There are other workouts that I can still do, I am just still trying to force myself into a routine. I want to start getting up early and working out/meditating.

I am hoping writing this post motivates me to do better. I will update you on if it did or not next Monday!

October in Pictures


Coffee and muffin at my favorite coffee shop.

Working out helps ease my anxious mind.

I went hiking with my best friend!

Bff Tawnie

Stitch is one of my babies

My niece and nephew have my whole heart.

Love you 

Mirror selfie 

Khole always looks so sad, but we give her lots of loving I promise.

Fall is finally showing!

The ‘IT’ drink

Practicing make up for tik Tok

My Fitness Journey Begins

I have been putting off getting in shape for a very long time. I used to go to the gym at my school regularly, but this whole year I have made some excuse as to why I shouldn’t go. (Most of the time it was because I was “too tired.”)

I’m back home, and I’ve finally talked myself into joining a gym (with my friend) for the summer.

Today was my first day, and I am kind of proud of myself! I wanted to blog about it so I could stay motived to keep working out and growing stronger. I might do a progress on how I look and feel every 1-2 weeks.

I also want advice. What workouts should I do to improve upper body strength? I’m also walking/jogging/running because I want to be able to do a marathon one day.

Can someone help me out with a workout plan?

I’m going to post pictures down below of what I look like now. (I know I have a dirty mirror, but it’s my mom’s mirror, and I am too lazy to clean it.)

Day 1:

Goals for May 2019

These goals are mainly for my benefit because it is easier for me to get things done if I have them written out. With that being said, down below are the things I hope to do in May of 2019.

  1. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice.
    • I love volunteering at this local animal shelter with my friends. At the time of day we go, we usually finish walking what ever dogs have not been walked yet. Then we clean what ever it is that they want us to clean.
  2. Plant the flower seeds I got.
    • I love planting seeds, but I honestly have a hard time keeping them alive. I don’t have a green thumb when it comes to my own plants. I do help my grandpa with his gardening though. He grows lots of watermelons, cantaloupes, and tomatoes. We sell them all summer.
  3. Post on WordPress at least twice a week.
    • I’m hoping that I am able to stay consistent this time. A year ago, it was hard to decide what I wanted to write about, but now that I’ve decided to go with what ever is on my mind – whether it be a story, a recipe, or something like this – I’m going to go with it.
  4. Post on Tumblr at least once a week.
    • I like to write fan fiction and post it on Tumblr.
  5. Go to two festivals – Strawberry and Folk festival.
    • I went to the Strawberry festival a few days ago, but the Folk festival is next week. I’m really excited to go because there’s going to be music, crafts, and old cars.
  6. Post at least 2 YouTube Videos.
    • The only problem I have with posting YouTube videos is that I have to be really motivated and happy, but here lately I haven’t been that so I have been struggling to make content.
  7. Start working out again – 3 times a week.
    • I’ve been neglecting working out. This is probably part of the reason why I haven’t been motivated to make YouTube videos. I’m hoping to start running and lifting weights again.
  8. Work work work work work.
    • I have to pay for some schooling next school year so I need to work as much as I can. On top of that, I have to pay for groceries, books, and what ever necessities that I have.

These are eight goals I hope to accomplish this month! Do you have any goals for this month? If so, comment them down below! 🙂