Weekend Wrap-Up #1

I have seen several weekend wrap-ups on WordPress, and I thought I would try it out as well. This would help my memory, and it would give me more blog content as well. No promises that my life will be interesting though.

  • On Monday, my family and I got a really late start (4:30 pm) on leaving for vacation. We went to visit some family for a few days. We got there about 9:30 pm. I didn’t take a lot of pictures, but I got a few.

  • This week I have started reading 4th of July by James Patterson. I’m slowly trying to read through this series and I really love it.
  • One thing that never happens to me at home is getting stuck waiting on a train, but on Tuesday I got stuck waiting for a coal train while on vacation. Those coal trains are super long!
  • On Tuesday, I also realized that the house across from me has a headless mummy outside on their porch. *cue Scooby Doo theme song*
  • Since I had covid in January, I’ve been having drainage down my throat and ears almost every day. Having it hurt on vacation was not fun, but I am taking medicine to hopefully dry everything up. I’m soo tired of feeling sick to my stomach and sometimes dizzy.
  • I work on the weekends, and this one seemed so long after having been on vacation for the week. I didn’t think it was ever going to end. I am already excited that I am off tomorrow.