Weekly Affirmations & Gratitude #11

These are my affirmations & gratitude for August 9 through August 15, 2020.


  1. I am enough.
  2. I am worthy of real and genuine love.
  3. I deserve rest days.
  4. I am a warrior.
  5. I will motivate myself with gentle encouragement, not criticism.
  6. I am not my thoughts.
  7. I accomplish anything I focus on.


  1. I am grateful for my dog.
  2. I am grateful to wake up another day.
  3. I am grateful for fictional worlds.
  4. I am grateful for sports.
  5. I am grateful to be self-motivated.
  6. I am grateful for therapy appointments.
  7. I am grateful for energy drinks.

Weekly Affirmations & Gratitude #10

There are my affirmations & gratitude for August 2 through August 8, 2020.


  1. All things are temporary.
  2. I will be productive and energetic all day.
  3. I am allowed to reinvent myself if I don’t like who I am becoming.
  4. I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
  5. I release all criticism.
  6. I am on the right path in life.
  7. I am not my mental illness.


  1. I am grateful for my fitness journey.
  2. I am grateful for mental strength.
  3. I am grateful for foggy mornings.
  4. I am grateful for sunrises.
  5. I am grateful for my favorite youtubers doing daily vlogs this week/month.
  6. I am grateful for late night calls.
  7. I am grateful for daily affirmations and gratitude.

Weekly Affirmations & Gratitude #9

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week! These are my affirmations and gratitude from July 26 through August 1, 2020.


  1. I am learning to speak up for myself.
  2. Today is my day.
  3. I am in the process of a positive change in my life.
  4. I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness.
  5. I am allowed to take up space.
  6. I deserve kindness and honesty.
  7. I am more than my anxiety.


  1. I am grateful for the friends that would go the extra mile for me.
  2. I am grateful to now have a five day gym routine.
  3. I am grateful to be able to visit my college campus.
  4. I am grateful for hot showers.
  5. I am grateful for good books.
  6. I am grateful to know what I deserve.
  7. I am grateful for quiet nights.

Weekly Affirmations & Gratitude #8

There are my affirmations for July 19 through July 25, 2020. Most of my affirmations consist of reminding myself that everything will be OK.


  1. Every day is a fresh start.
  2. Peace begins in me.
  3. I release the need to seek approval from others.
  4. I don’t need for others to validate my worth.
  5. I will not worry about things I cannot control.
  6. I am so much more my mind allows me to believe.
  7. I am learning to trust the journey.


  1. I am grateful for warm baths.
  2. I am grateful for quality time with people I love.
  3. I am grateful for learning experiences.
  4. I am grateful to know my worth.
  5. I am grateful for air conditioning.
  6. I am grateful for the ability to make YouTube videos.
  7. I am grateful to live rent free for now.