Weekend Wrap-Up #5

This week seemed to go on forever. By the weekend I wasn’t even sure what day it was. I also forgot to write most things down as I went a long so I am having to search my memory.

  • I finally went to the doctor about my allergies being so bad. They gave me a couple nasal sprays and antibiotics for my ears that are infected. As of Sunday, this is day 5 of antibiotics. They’re still irritating at the start of day 5, but hopefully after this they will be a lot better.
  • I love that my friends keep telling me that I can move in with them, but I cannot leave my grandpa. I hope they understand. They say I would regret staying in this small town, but I know I would regret leaving him. When he’s gone, I’ll go too.
  • Meeting with an old friend was nice. I can’t believe it had been a whole year since I had seen her. We’d been best friend for 7 years. We’ve both changed a lot in those 7 years.
  • Every year we have about two groups of bikers that come through during the summer. It’s really cool and they’re always nice. This week a group from Germany came through and ate.
  • I have come to accept the fact that I am useless on Sundays in the way of getting out of the house after I’ve worked. Sundays at work just really wear me out, and I do not want to go hang out with anyone after.