Weekend Wrap-Up #5

This week seemed to go on forever. By the weekend I wasn’t even sure what day it was. I also forgot to write most things down as I went a long so I am having to search my memory.

  • I finally went to the doctor about my allergies being so bad. They gave me a couple nasal sprays and antibiotics for my ears that are infected. As of Sunday, this is day 5 of antibiotics. They’re still irritating at the start of day 5, but hopefully after this they will be a lot better.
  • I love that my friends keep telling me that I can move in with them, but I cannot leave my grandpa. I hope they understand. They say I would regret staying in this small town, but I know I would regret leaving him. When he’s gone, I’ll go too.
  • Meeting with an old friend was nice. I can’t believe it had been a whole year since I had seen her. We’d been best friend for 7 years. We’ve both changed a lot in those 7 years.
  • Every year we have about two groups of bikers that come through during the summer. It’s really cool and they’re always nice. This week a group from Germany came through and ate.
  • I have come to accept the fact that I am useless on Sundays in the way of getting out of the house after I’ve worked. Sundays at work just really wear me out, and I do not want to go hang out with anyone after.

Weekend Wrap-Up #4

My mental health was suffering these past few weeks, but things are starting to slightly look up again. Here’s some of the thoughts I’ve had the past two weeks.

  • These next few months, I want to focus on losing inner thigh fat and slight arm fat. I’ve found some workouts to do that. I may write a blog about results in the future.
  • I had to take a mental health day and that is ok.
  • I did something I’ve never done before and that was round up cows. Luckily, it was really easy to do. They went right back in the fence.
  • This past week is when we were supposed to start planing crops on the farm, but we are having to wait due to rain. Hopefully we’ll be able to the first of May!
  • I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but she had some issues she had to take care of so I had a drink alone at the bar. I did go on a walk afterward. The sun felt really nice. I am so ready for summer.
  • Next week I have an appointment with a doctor and hopefully will be given some medicine for allergies. Some people I know have said that they have been given a shot and felt a lot better within a few hours. I really hope that’s what happens to me. It’s mostly my ears that bother me, but today I had a really sick stomach. I think it was caused by drainage (on an empty stomach).
  • I’ve been reading Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. I don’t know why, but it hasn’t caught my attention like I thought it would. I do like it but everything seems to drag by. I don’t know if it is just this book or if I am just in a reading slump. All I know is I need to finish it within the next week because that is when my book loan ends. I am not even half way through!

Weekend Wrap-Up #3

This past week was quite rough overall.

  • I burned myself at work on Tuesday. I was picking up a pan of corn when the juices sloshed over and burned my hand. It is 5 days later and I still have a mark on my wrist. After using petroleum jelly it does not sting anymore, but today it has been itching. I don’t think it will scar any, but not 100% positive it won’t leave a little something.
  • On Wednesday, my Pa had to go to the hospital. Scared me to death. He’s doing ok now. Also, I still hate hospitals. And elevators.
  • On Friday, I started my re-read of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I can’t tell you how many times I have read the books 1-4. After just re-reading the first part of this book, I can already tell you that I do not agree with Dumbledore having Harry stay with the Dursley’s after knowing how they abuse him. I know staying there was supposed to keep him safe, but he should have found another way instead of letting them starve him and bully him.
  • I’ve made a cleaning list that I want to try to do daily. I am going to try to implement this list this coming up week. I came up with this after my friend and I were talking about how we have to clean on our days off and it is almost a whole day ordeal. With having a cleaning list, it’s a clean after yourself everyday kind of thing.
  • Saturday I woke up and went to my Pa’s house to eat chocolate gravy and drink coffee with several members of family. My Pa insisted on still making my plate and fixing my coffee. I let him because he wasn’t having to lift anything over 3 pounds.
  • Today (Sunday) at work was so crazy busy. Sunday is our busiest day, but we haven’t been this busy since pre-covid. Pre-covid, we used to be as busy as we were today every Sunday. At that time, we also had a couple more workers. We made it though.

I think this coming up week is going to be a little nerve-wracking as Tennessee is supposed to be getting some tornadoes. Storms make me extremely anxious.

Weekend Wrap-Up #2

I am a day late on this weekend wrap-up, but this is still a work in progress as I keep forgetting to keep track of my week. And then posting it. I really do like doing this though because it helps me keep up with what has happened during my week or else I would completely forget – which is why I have to write it down each day as I go. Here’s how my week has been:

  • I usually have 2 days off, but I ended up having to work one of them – which is fine because I had missed a day last week due to vacation anyway.
  • Update: I have no days off this week. On Wednesday, I was needed to come in to help close early. Where I live, a great storm was brewing in Tennessee. And by great storm, I mean nothing actually happened that we should have closed down for.
  • Because of the possible storm, I stayed at my Pa’s house because his house is more sturdy. I honestly loved staying the night there. I’ve missed it. I might start doing that again – especially during the summer because I’ll be working on the farm. When I got up, he made me and him some coffee, and he even made me bread and chocolate gravy before I went to work.
  • On Friday, work was super busy during lunch. From 10 am to about 10:45 I had to do something in the back so my coworker had to get the people that came in (discloser: I work in a little restaurant.) I came back out and in 10 minutes everyone decided to come in and eat at once. I remember having to get 5 tables at once.
  • On Saturday, a couple of my friends got manic (their words not mine) and bought me a switch so I could play animal crossing with them. I don’t like that they bought me one because it is not cheap, but I have been playing a lot of animal crossing these past 2 days. I love it. I didn’t think I would ever get a switch, but I am glad I have one now.
  • One thing about them doing that for me is that I know they don’t expect anything back, but I feel as though I need to get them something to repay them. Although they are both stubborn and might not take it. Instead I am going to do my usual reproach to gifts and get them a little gift every once in a while that they would like. In their cases, it would be coffee and Mountain Dew.

Weekend Wrap-Up #1

I have seen several weekend wrap-ups on WordPress, and I thought I would try it out as well. This would help my memory, and it would give me more blog content as well. No promises that my life will be interesting though.

  • On Monday, my family and I got a really late start (4:30 pm) on leaving for vacation. We went to visit some family for a few days. We got there about 9:30 pm. I didn’t take a lot of pictures, but I got a few.

  • This week I have started reading 4th of July by James Patterson. I’m slowly trying to read through this series and I really love it.
  • One thing that never happens to me at home is getting stuck waiting on a train, but on Tuesday I got stuck waiting for a coal train while on vacation. Those coal trains are super long!
  • On Tuesday, I also realized that the house across from me has a headless mummy outside on their porch. *cue Scooby Doo theme song*
  • Since I had covid in January, I’ve been having drainage down my throat and ears almost every day. Having it hurt on vacation was not fun, but I am taking medicine to hopefully dry everything up. I’m soo tired of feeling sick to my stomach and sometimes dizzy.
  • I work on the weekends, and this one seemed so long after having been on vacation for the week. I didn’t think it was ever going to end. I am already excited that I am off tomorrow.