June Goals 2022

  • Read 3 books
  • Blog at least once a week
  • Post on YouTube at least 4 times
  • Write for book consistently
  • Write for Tumblr consistently
  • Get tanner
  • Get out of comfort zone
  • Work on mental health

I have read more books this year and last year than I have read all throughout college. I am so glad to get back into reading. My goal for this month is 3 books. My normal these past few months have been 2 books, but I want to try to push myself. Plus this past month I have been making a plan on how to finish the book I am reading by a certain time. I have a goal this year to read 22 books. I have read 12 books so far so I may extend my reading goal.

I am really wanting to blog more than just my monthly goals and recaps and the books I read each month. I have been really thinking about what more content I want to do – which I will explain in my next blog post. I plan to blog at least once a week.

I may not blog as much as I want to, but for the past year and a half, I have been posting on my YouTube channel a lot more. My goal for this year is to post 24 vlogs before December (as December is for vlogmas). I have posted 10 videos so far this year. I want to try to post once a week, but if not, then at least once every 2 weeks.

I also really find joy in writing, but I do not make enough time for it. I want to write consistently for the book I am writing and some things on Tumblr as well. I have gotten into the habit of at least writing one idea down a day for either one, but I want to be actually writing for both. My main problem is that I don’t want to write bad writing, but I know I need to just write now and edit them later. I keep wanting them to be perfect the first go around.

A random goal that I have for this month is to get tanner. I feel better about the way I look when my skin is a little tanner. I get so white during the winter time. I lose what little tan I get during the summer. I want to try to get more than this summer than ever before. I am going to try to get outside every day in the sun for at least 30 minutes. I have not been consistent with this, especially since I have not been feeling well, but I am going to make more of an effort for the rest of the month.

This month I really want to try to get out of my comfort zone. What I mean by this is if I would rather stay home than go do something – I want to make myself go do the thing. Most of the time when I do this, I end up having a really great time, but sometimes I get so stuck in the comfort of being at home, I don’t want to go out and have fun.

Last but not least, this whole year I have been trying to work on my mental health. Due to my health issues these last few months, it has been rough. This month, however, I plan to journal more, meditate, exercise, be more mindful of my mind and surroundings, and do more things that make me happy. You would think this would all be easy, but sometimes it is hard to do anything.

Do you have any goals for this month? What are they? Tell me in the comments.

July goals [2021]

The months are going by like a blur. This month I want to try to be more present. That way I might get everything done. Here are my goals for this month.

  • Read 2 books
  • Walk a total of 30 miles
  • Start simplified challenge
  • Practice writing (write 10 more pages)
  • Drink more water
  • Start running
  • Push up challenge
  • Go hiking
  • Hang out with friends
  • Take time to meditate
  • Post 2 YouTube videos
  • Post 4 blogs

June goals

May seemed to have gone by in the blink of an eye, but I am proud of all that I have accomplished with my goals. Hereโ€™s the new goals for the month of June.

  • Buy a new planner
  • Read 2 books
  • Post 4 blog posts
  • Post 4 YouTube videos
  • Get tanner
  • Walk 30 miles for cancer
  • Take vitamins daily
  • Meditate 3X a week
  • Go hiking
  • Practice writing
  • 22 push ups every day
  • 22 squats every day
  • Clean house

New Youtube Video: these people should be glad I love them

Hey guys! I have posted several YouTube videos this month! “these people should be glad I love them” is the newest of the three.

I have challenged myself to post every day for a week, which I was not able to one day already, but I am not going to let that deter me from not posting for the rest of the week.

I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel ๐Ÿ™‚

I typically make a thumbnail for my videos, but I have been lazy here lately.. I’m going to try to get back into doing it because I think it makes it look better.

Anyway, tell me what you think! These probably won’t be great since I am vlogging and editing every day, but I’m still trying my best!

Thanksgiving Break To-Do List

Hello everyone! I am finally on break for Thanksgiving, and I am so happy about it. I finally get a bit of a break to see family and relax. Well, kind of relax. I will still have to do work, but I have all weekend to do it. Plus, I might actually enjoy the work I have to do.

Anyway, I decided to upload a Thanksgiving break to-do list. At the end of break, I’ll follow up with what I did.

  • Get my nails done
    • I am actually going to do this today. I should have probably waited because I don’t really need to spend money right now, but I’m doing it anyway.
  • Vlog my break
    • I hope to vlog my break. I am trying to get back into youtube again.
  • Practice cooking
    • I have been wanting to learn how to cook for a while now. I can follow directions. I just have to build up the motivation to actually do it. I don’t think my family has any plans for Thanksgiving so I was thinking about having my grandpa and I cook something.
  • Volunteer at the local animal shelter
    • This is a big maybe, but I really do want to. I just don’t know if I will have time. Plus, I plan on going with my friend so our schedules need to line up.
  • Work at the restaurant as much as they will let me
    • I need the money, lol.
  • Powerpoint for Comm Law and Ethics
    • I kind of dread this, but at the same time, I don’t think it will be hard to do. The hardest part is always starting it.
  • Meditation homework
    • I actually forgot about this, and I hope my printer will work or else I won’t be able to do this homework until I get back to school.
  • Prepare for interview!!
    • I hope when I come back from break I will have an interview for this internship I want next semester. I need to prepare for my first real interview ever.


Honey in Coffee and Mafia Makeup

I finally posted another Youtube video! I tried honey in my coffee, and I also started doing blood/bruises for a mafia original character I have on Tik Tok.

What kind of youtube videos do you like to see? I like doing sit down videos. Do you have any suggestions about what I could talk about? I’ve been thinking of doing coffee talk videos, but I don’t know what I want to talk about.

Trying the Matcha Frappuccino from Starbucks

You should check out my YouTube video! It’s been so long since I’ve uploaded so I apologize. It’s not because I haven’t filmed anything, but I haven’t had the motivation to edit! Hopefully I’ll do better…

I would appreciate it if you liked, commented and subscribed to my YouTube channel. ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a great day!

xx Kelli

10 Facts About Me

Hello everyone! I’ve realized that I haven’t properly introduced myself so here’s what this post is about! First of all, my name is Kelli and I’m currently 20 years old. I have 10 facts about myself listed below!


1. I am a college student in Tennessee.

2. I love to travel! Every year I usually go to Michigan and Florida for vacation. I would love to travel to more places (as long as I don’t go alone.) Below is a random picture from when I was in Panama City Beach, Florida.


3. I love Harry Potter. I have always loved Harry Potter for as long as I can remember. Last May I actually got to go to the Harry Potter World.. Picture below.


4. I do a variety of things. I love to read, but I also like to play sports. I also like playing video games too. My favorite ones to play are Pokemon, Harry Potter, COD: Ghosts, and The Last of Us.

5. I’m a really shy person until I get to know you. My best friend says that I’m like a completely different person then. I can be very outgoing when I’m comfortable around the people I’m with.

6. I’ve lived in Tennessee my whole life though I am open to moving to a different state if need be for a job. Hopefully if I do move, one of my sisters will be able to come with me.

7. I’m very picky in who I date. I can’t make myself go on a date with someone whom I don’t feel any connection with or I don’t think I could ever feel any connection with.

8. I have 4 siblings, a niece, and a nephew. Sibling wise, I have a little brother and 3 older sisters. My niece and nephew are from one of my older sisters.

9. I have a retainer and I hate it. I’ve had it for years. My teeth would have been straight already if I hadn’t lost/broke 2 retainers already.

10. I have a YouTube channel! My first ever post was actually just about my YouTube channel. I don’t upload much (I’m going to try to get better but I’m just so busy) but you should check it out. I’m going to try to upload a lot more often. It’s just the time to take editing is what hinders me from doing so.


Subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Hey guys. I am currently a 19 year old college student. I hope to be someone some day. One of my hobbies that I do that may help that some day is vlogging. About a month ago, I finally start uploading videos to YouTube like I’ve been wanting to do pretty much since I got a computer when I was 10. I would really appreciate it if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel. You can do this by clicking my name at the end. I upload vlogs at least twice a week if not more. Thank you so much.

Kelli Young