February Goals

I complied a list of goals for this month!

Post 2 YT videos

I have started posting YouTube videos again. Last December, I did about 18 days of vlogmas before I got burnt out, but I do want to start post videos at least twice a month. I want to eventually post once a week.

Post on blog 4 times

I have been so bad about posting on here, but I have this month more prepared. I’ve been using a planner a lot more here lately and have already planned out several blog posts.

Read 2 books

I’ve started reading again this year. I used to read all the time, but when I went to college, I hardly ever read for pleasure. My goal this year is to read 22 books, but I expect I’ll read more than that.

Be more active on Instagram

I have a fitness instagram, and I really want to be more active on that account. This past weekend, I have been researching what I could do with my account. I will be posting a progress picture at some point. I also might post about food as well. If you have any suggestions, please do comment them.

Try new recipes

I have a couple new drink recipes I want to try, and I’m sure there’s some new food recipes as well.

Do my daily to dos

When making my new year resolutions, I made a list of daily to dos to help me accomplish my goals. My daily list consists of: write 50 words, read bible, read 10 minutes of book, meditate 5 minutes, watch TJ daily vlog, inspirational quote, and affirmation.

Wake up and don’t hit snooze

I usually have four or five alarms set and still hit snooze once more. I have now made myself only have two alarms. Today on February 1, I did actually get up earlier than I have been here lately. I hope to eventually get up after the first alarm goes off.

Ab challenge

This month I am going to do an ab challenge. I will take a picture of my stomach in the beginning and the end of this month so I can compare. I will do sit ups, crunches, leg raises and planks daily.

Finish Criminal Minds

I am almost done with this series! I am so excited, but also sad that I am almost to the end. They will still have episodes coming out, but it won’t be the same as watching as many new episodes as I want.

Finish The Seven Deadly Sins

This is an anime that I started in January. I could have already finished it, but I just don’t want it to end! It is so good. I love all the seven deadly sins and their friends. After I finish Criminal Minds, I am going to finish this series.

What I Watched in January 2021

I decided that at the end of each month I am going to list everything that I have watched and give a small review of it.

The Seven Deadly Sins

The seven deadly sins is an anime about… the seven deadly sins.. as people. I have not finished it yet, but I have really enjoyed it so far. I get so surprised by how powerful these characters turn out to be. It is hard to choose, but my favorite has to be Ban (the greed sin). I give this a 9/10.

Criminal Minds

I just found out that Criminal Minds seasons 13-15 are on Hulu. As soon as I realized, I started watching them (which was a week ago). As of January 31, I am on the last episode of season 14 with only 10 episodes of season 15. I am not ready for this to be over AT ALL. I know they are more episodes to come (I think), but it’s going to be weird not watching new episodes of Criminal Minds. These past 2 seasons have been crazy (though not Reid going to prison crazy). I give this show a 9/10, and I would have to say that my favorite character at the moment is either Penelope or Luke. One thing I am sad about is that Spencer Reid is not on these seasons much at all. 😦

The Ranch

I am currently rewatching The Ranch. I have not seen all the seasons, but I have forgotten what happens so I decided to start over. I love the actors Ashton Kutcher and Sam Elliott. This is one of those shows I watch when I want a laugh. My mom watched a few episodes with me, and she did not like it so much. She said, “All they do is cuss and drink,” which is not totally inaccurate, but there’ is more to it than just that.