Five places I want to visit (in the United States)

Day 5: List five places you want to visit.

It was hard to only pick five because I want to travel to many places in and outside of the United States. I’ve chosen five I want to visit IN the United States.

1. Mount Rushmore


2. Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty

3. Los Angeles, California


4. Sioux Falls, South Dakota


5. The Grand Canyon National ParkĀ 

Grand Canyon

These are five places that I want to visit in the United States. I want to travel in general, but these are specific, popular places that I want to see!

What places do you want to see in or out of the United States?


Night Hike: Pinson Mounds

Pinson Mounds State Archaelogical Park has approximately 15 mounds built by Indians. When first discovered, there were believed to be about 30-40 mounds. After some research, some mounds were found to be made from erosion or something similar (not man-made). Some mounds also began disappearing because of the nature of things – fallen trees, water, etc.

It’s crazy to think that Indians made all of these mounds. They gathered dirt in a basket, and they carried it however far to make these mounds. Some hilly places at the park are believed to be the places the Indians gathered the dirt (and sand) from.

Tawnie (right) and me (left) in front of the Museum

The picture above is Tawnie and me in front of the park’s museum – which is built under a mound (so cool!) Before you say anything, yes, I know I look like I am about to go rob a place. The only thing I was thinking when I was putting on my outfit was that I did not want to get eaten by mosquitoes.

The night hike was fun. Learning about the mounds was interesting. They believe that they had used the top of the mounds for burial and ceremonial purposes. They think that there was fire on top of some/most of the mounds.

Side note, one person joked about them maybe doing sacrifices. I 100% believe this could have happened back then. You never know.

Kizer (left) and Hunter (right)

In the picture above are a couple of guy friends that came on the hike with us. I took this picture to show how dark it was when we started hiking. Of course, we could still see up close just fine because of all the flashlights, but it was hard to see far out. The hike was from 8:30 to 10 p.m.

Tawnie (left) and me (right)

The last thing we did was climb on top of Sauls Mound. The picture above was taken on top of it. Sauls Mound is the highest mound. We were eye level with the tallest trees. Steps were built up Sauls Mound, and the total amount of steps is 125.

Climbing up Sauls Mound was by far the most exercise we had the entire hike. I was out of breath by the time I got to the top. I am pretty sure I drunk a whole bottle of water.

Hiking is one of the activities that makes me happy. I have already decided that I was going to go back to Pinson Mounds during the day time so that I could check out the other trails. The one we were on was mostly flat land, but I noticed one trail that was extremely hilly.

I will definitely be blogging about my hikes many times this summer!

Do you like to hike? What outdoor activities do you like to do?

Blog Update

I feel like my blog is all over the place. It is not about a specific category like lifestyle, travel, fitness, DIY, etc. My blog is very personal. It’s about my likes, my dislikes, and stories about me. I thought I would lay out in bullet points would should be expected on my blog.

  • Advertising my YouTube videos
    • I don’t really post as much as I would like. Right now I am stuck as to what I should video. I haven’t been motivated either. If you have any suggestions, I’m always open to them!
  • Movie reviews
    • This is a new thing I started. I love watching movies, but I don’t really take the time to do so. This might motivate me to just so I can write about it.
  • Music to me
    • This is something I haven’t started doing yet, but I will soon. Two or three times a week I want to write about a song that I like. I might write about how I interpret it, but it’ll mostly be about what it means to me. (I’ll want you to tell me what it means to you too!)
  • Lists
    • I like making lists (such as this one). It’s a way to give advice or tell what I like or dislike about something.
  • Travel blog
    • I haven’t done this yet, but I will start soon. I have some things planned for the future! This will just tell about what I did on a trip, and it will involve pictures.
  • Story Time
    • Sometimes I might tell about something that happened, but it probably won’t be often.
  • Reflect
    • I didn’t know what else to call them, but it’s a mixture of reflecting on my life, and giving you advice on what to do or not do.

That is all that I can think of right now! I know it’s a lot of different things, but this is a personal blog. I want to share a lot of things about my life. I hope you don’t get too bored!

xx Kelli

I’m Back!

Hello everyone! I’m back! It has been a very long time since I have written a blog, and I have missed it so much! There has been quite a bit going on in my life, and I hope I can share it all on here at some point. College and work has been taking up the most of my time, but I hope I can finally start posting content regularly.

I am not sure what you should expect from my blog yet. I have always been unsure as to what I should blog about. It’s probably going to be a little bit of everything from my life. Everything from my YouTube Channel to some favorite recipes to my travels. There will be a wide variety of topics.

One more thing that I thought I should is to tell you a little about myself. My name is Kelli Young. I am a Communications major and English minor. I am going into my last year of college starting fall of 2019. I have four cats and one dog. I love volunteering at a local animal shelter. Coffee helps me feel more like a person and less like a zombie when I first wake up. I guess you could say I am a Harry Potter geek. I have so much Harry Potter merch that it would be easier to ask what I do not have.

One last thing, I have had a love for writing for as long as I can remember. When I was little, I used to write little short stories and sell them for a quarter to some of my family members. I have thought about getting a job after college that has to deal with writing, but I do not feel like I would enjoy writing for other people. I like being about to write what ever I want to write about.

That being said, I hope you have a great day.

10 Facts About Me

Hello everyone! I’ve realized that I haven’t properly introduced myself so here’s what this post is about! First of all, my name is Kelli and I’m currently 20 years old. I have 10 facts about myself listed below!


1. I am a college student in Tennessee.

2. I love to travel! Every year I usually go to Michigan and Florida for vacation. I would love to travel to more places (as long as I don’t go alone.) Below is a random picture from when I was in Panama City Beach, Florida.


3. I love Harry Potter. I have always loved Harry Potter for as long as I can remember. Last May I actually got to go to the Harry Potter World.. Picture below.


4. I do a variety of things. I love to read, but I also like to play sports. I also like playing video games too. My favorite ones to play are Pokemon, Harry Potter, COD: Ghosts, and The Last of Us.

5. I’m a really shy person until I get to know you. My best friend says that I’m like a completely different person then. I can be very outgoing when I’m comfortable around the people I’m with.

6. I’ve lived in Tennessee my whole life though I am open to moving to a different state if need be for a job. Hopefully if I do move, one of my sisters will be able to come with me.

7. I’m very picky in who I date. I can’t make myself go on a date with someone whom I don’t feel any connection with or I don’t think I could ever feel any connection with.

8. I have 4 siblings, a niece, and a nephew. Sibling wise, I have a little brother and 3 older sisters. My niece and nephew are from one of my older sisters.

9. I have a retainer and I hate it. I’ve had it for years. My teeth would have been straight already if I hadn’t lost/broke 2 retainers already.

10. I have a YouTube channel! My first ever post was actually just about my YouTube channel. I don’t upload much (I’m going to try to get better but I’m just so busy) but you should check it out. I’m going to try to upload a lot more often. It’s just the time to take editing is what hinders me from doing so.