December goals

I am a week late in posting my December goals, but better late than never, right? I have made up 5 goals/things I want to focus on this month.


I believe this is my 3rd year doing vlogmas. Last year I did it all the way through, and I plan on it this year as well. While there could be pressure to post 25 days in a roll, at the same time, I don’t feel so much pressure in making sure everything is perfect… Not that I really do with regular content. It’s just my regular day-to-day things with some Christmas things sprinkled in.


CHRISTMAS IS LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY, AND I HAVEN’T BOUGHT ANYONE PRESENTS. I’m panicking just a little bit. I have decided this year to get everyone a small gift just because I have so many to buy, but it’s still the principle of making sure I get everyone’s gifts.


Christmas is probably my favorite time of year. My favorite thing to do is to go see Christmas lights. I also still love to take a picture with Santa if there is an opportunity. I did it for the first time last year or the year before for the first time in years, and it made my day! Sometimes it’s nice to feel like a kid again. This year I hope to make some Christmas cookies and read some romance books based around Christmas time.


I keep failing to get better at blogging, but I am going to keep trying! I’m one of those people who just have a really hard time sitting down and starting something because if I can just start then I can finish it. For instance, I have put off this blog post for a whole week, but now that I’ve finally started it, I am going to post it the same day. My goal for this month is to publish at least 12 blog posts! This one is number one.


I had the goal at the beginning of the year to already be done with this book I want to publish, but I have barely even started it. I’ve restarted it so many times (one of those times this month) so that is why there’s not much progress. I hope now I am at a place that I can continue forward with my writing. I hope to be mostly done with my first draft by my 26th birthday next year (so roughly 9 months).

These are my 5 goals for the month of December. At the end, I will, hopefully, post an update about them. Do you have any goals/things you want to accomplish this month? What are they?

7 things I do for therapy

Therapy is expensive.

Very expensive. To the point where one of my favorite things about college was getting the free therapy because I learned after I graduated therapy is expensive.

I am not a professional and this does not work for everybody. Half the time it doesn’t work for me because it takes consistency which is something I don’t always have.

If you think this blog is about how to afford therapy, I would click off right now because this blog post is about making my own therapy.

Mental health is something I have struggled with since my freshman year in high school. I spent years and years not really taking care of myself. Letting my intrusive thoughts win. I felt like I didn’t have anyone in my corner that could understand — that I could voice my thoughts to. Sometimes I still don’t but that’s beside the point.

Now I can manage my mental health better. While therapy was great while I could do it, it is expensive so I’ve had to rely on myself to keep myself out of the dark hole.

I want to share some of the things that help me in case it helps someone else.

Again I am not a professional and if you can get therapy I would try that too.

Before I start listing, I do want to say that in order for these to help, you have to actually do them consistently. Some of you may be thinking well duh, but for me this is harder than I thought.


Getting your thoughts on paper can help it not fester inside you so much. This could be about your thoughts, feelings, opinions. Sometimes I will even look up a writing prompt. I might make a blog later about mental health journal prompts.


Here lately I have been slacking on working out because of a change in my work schedule, but I want to get back into it regularly. My goal is to workout at least 4 days a week, but on the days I don’t workout, I still want an active rest by getting at least 8k steps in.

Plan to do things you love

Sounds so simple but sometimes it can be so hard. Especially when you’re in that depressed state, but sometimes you need to make yourself do things that you don’t want to do.

Reflect while in nature

Here lately I have gotten into the habit of sitting out on my porch super early in the morning (like before 6 am), and just taking everything in. This is also a good time to meditate or journal.

Tidy your living space

I have learned that my mental health is worse when my living space is messy. That could just be a virgo thing. If it’s hard for you to clean your whole space, but focus on a small part of it then focus on a different part the next day.

Have a morning and night routine

I feel like I am more put together when I have a morning and night routine. I am still working out the kinks of it, but so far my routine has brushing teeth and face, reading or journaling, meditating, and I have recently been trying to get into the habit of using a facial stone.

Do your hobbies (or figure out what your hobby is)

Before you say watching tv or getting on TikTok is your hobby, I want to advise doing a more active hobby. Personally, watching tv or TikTok all day makes me feel worse because it is an activity that my brain can kind of shut off for. A couple of my favorite hobbies is reading, hiking, video gaming, playing a sport, and dancing. Other hobbies could be painting, knitting, gardening, cooking, volunteering, skydiving, zip lining, rock climbing – anything that makes you happy. Don’t know what your hobby is? Keep trying different things until you find it.


June Goals 2022

  • Read 3 books
  • Blog at least once a week
  • Post on YouTube at least 4 times
  • Write for book consistently
  • Write for Tumblr consistently
  • Get tanner
  • Get out of comfort zone
  • Work on mental health

I have read more books this year and last year than I have read all throughout college. I am so glad to get back into reading. My goal for this month is 3 books. My normal these past few months have been 2 books, but I want to try to push myself. Plus this past month I have been making a plan on how to finish the book I am reading by a certain time. I have a goal this year to read 22 books. I have read 12 books so far so I may extend my reading goal.

I am really wanting to blog more than just my monthly goals and recaps and the books I read each month. I have been really thinking about what more content I want to do – which I will explain in my next blog post. I plan to blog at least once a week.

I may not blog as much as I want to, but for the past year and a half, I have been posting on my YouTube channel a lot more. My goal for this year is to post 24 vlogs before December (as December is for vlogmas). I have posted 10 videos so far this year. I want to try to post once a week, but if not, then at least once every 2 weeks.

I also really find joy in writing, but I do not make enough time for it. I want to write consistently for the book I am writing and some things on Tumblr as well. I have gotten into the habit of at least writing one idea down a day for either one, but I want to be actually writing for both. My main problem is that I don’t want to write bad writing, but I know I need to just write now and edit them later. I keep wanting them to be perfect the first go around.

A random goal that I have for this month is to get tanner. I feel better about the way I look when my skin is a little tanner. I get so white during the winter time. I lose what little tan I get during the summer. I want to try to get more than this summer than ever before. I am going to try to get outside every day in the sun for at least 30 minutes. I have not been consistent with this, especially since I have not been feeling well, but I am going to make more of an effort for the rest of the month.

This month I really want to try to get out of my comfort zone. What I mean by this is if I would rather stay home than go do something – I want to make myself go do the thing. Most of the time when I do this, I end up having a really great time, but sometimes I get so stuck in the comfort of being at home, I don’t want to go out and have fun.

Last but not least, this whole year I have been trying to work on my mental health. Due to my health issues these last few months, it has been rough. This month, however, I plan to journal more, meditate, exercise, be more mindful of my mind and surroundings, and do more things that make me happy. You would think this would all be easy, but sometimes it is hard to do anything.

Do you have any goals for this month? What are they? Tell me in the comments.

February goals

For the past few months, I have been slacking on doing monthly (and weekly) goals, but I hope now that the stressful holidays are over and I am feeling much better since I had covid about three weeks ago, I want to get back into the swing of making lists.

Here are my goals for February 2022:

  • Hang out with Ricky
  • Hang out with Kendyll
  • Finishing reading 2 books
  • Post 4 Youtube videos
  • Blog 4 times
  • Write regularly
  • Declutter closet
  • Take cute instagram pics
  • Write a love letter
  • Practice self-care
  • Random anonymous act of kindness
  • Use saved up money to declaw cats or fix car radio

This year I am trying really hard to focus on my self-care. It seems to be something I usually put on the back burner. I also want to try and be more involved with my friends. I have a bad habit of having an out of sight, out of mind mindset. I haven’t hung out with Ricky or Kendyll in months. Ricky is moving closer in a couple of weeks and Kendyll only lives about an hour away yet none of us have made the time to get together.

Overall, I just really want to work on being a healthier and more productive person. I want to be happy.

Spring bucket list

I am definitely late to post my spring bucket list, but I decided to post it anyway because we have more than a month left!

  • Try a new coffee shop
  • Try Dunkin Donuts
  • Renew my car tags
  • Go hiking
  • Go to strawberry festival
  • Try a new restaurant
  • Start doing meditation/affirmations more regularly
  • Go on a trip
  • Grow flowers
  • Work on book
  • Buy something for myself
  • Finish reading 4 books

June Wrap-Up

Here is my June Wrap-up! I finished more than half of my list! In July, I am going to try to be more organized. I’m going to use my planner, plan my meals (as I have not been eating right), and work on my mental health.

  • Work on book
  • Job search
  • Volunteer
  • Publish (at least) 4 blog posts
  • Publish (at least) 2 Tumblr posts
  • Finish watching Lab Rats: Elite Force 
  • Send out ‘Thank You’ cards
  • Read a book (or more)
  • Go hiking
  • Organize rooms
  • Have a yard sale
  • Work in garden
  • Go fishing
  • Save $400
  • Plan vacation
  • Post Youtube video
  • Stream on Twitch (kyoun42)
  • Photoshoot

What are some of your goals for this upcoming month? I would love to hear about them!

Summer Bucket List 2020

Lists help me feel more put together than I actually am. I made a summer bucket list, which just consists of things that I want to do before summer is up this year.

Summer 2020 (June 20 – September 22)

  • Have character backgrounds of characters in my book
  • Volunteer more
  • Go hiking
  • Go paddle boating and/or kayaking
  • Save $1500
  • Go on vacation
  • Send people letters
  • Be active on WordPress, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok
  • Stream on Twitch
  • Finish watching ‘The Originals’
  • Read 3 books
  • Get really tan
  • Be consistent with working out
  • Look in the mirror once a day and say 3-5 things I like about myself
  • Listen to/read self-help
  • Ask for help
  • Celebrate the 4th of July
  • Declutter

May Wrap-Up/June Goals

It seems like the months are going by fast and slow at the same time. This past month I ended up mostly just working a lot, and I did not do much of anything I wanted to get done. Here’s an update of what I did do:

  • Graduate
  • Go hiking
  • Work in my Grandpa’s garden
  • Read (at least) 1 book
  • Publish (at least) 4 blog posts
  • Film and post (at least) 1 YouTube video
  • Write & publish (at least) 2 short stories on Tumblr
  • Workout and meditate (at least) 3 times a week
  • Volunteer
  • Finish watching Lab Rats (then rewatch Criminal Minds)
  • Write people letters
  • Photoshoot
  • Do 1 thing out of my comfort zone
  • Start writing a book
  • Rearrange my room

Here are my goals for June:

  • Work on book
  • Job search
  • Volunteer
  • Publish (at least) 4 blog posts
  • Publish (at least) 2 Tumblr posts
  • Finish watching Lab Rats: Elite Force 
  • Send out ‘Thank You’ cards
  • Read a book (or more)
  • Go hiking
  • Organize rooms
  • Have a yard sale
  • Work in garden
  • Go fishing
  • Save $400
  • Plan vacation
  • Post Youtube video
  • Stream on Twitch (kyoun42)
  • Photoshoot