Thanksgiving Break To-Do List

Hello everyone! I am finally on break for Thanksgiving, and I am so happy about it. I finally get a bit of a break to see family and relax. Well, kind of relax. I will still have to do work, but I have all weekend to do it. Plus, I might actually enjoy the work I have to do.

Anyway, I decided to upload a Thanksgiving break to-do list. At the end of break, I’ll follow up with what I did.

  • Get my nails done
    • I am actually going to do this today. I should have probably waited because I don’t really need to spend money right now, but I’m doing it anyway.
  • Vlog my break
    • I hope to vlog my break. I am trying to get back into youtube again.
  • Practice cooking
    • I have been wanting to learn how to cook for a while now. I can follow directions. I just have to build up the motivation to actually do it. I don’t think my family has any plans for Thanksgiving so I was thinking about having my grandpa and I cook something.
  • Volunteer at the local animal shelter
    • This is a big maybe, but I really do want to. I just don’t know if I will have time. Plus, I plan on going with my friend so our schedules need to line up.
  • Work at the restaurant as much as they will let me
    • I need the money, lol.
  • Powerpoint for Comm Law and Ethics
    • I kind of dread this, but at the same time, I don’t think it will be hard to do. The hardest part is always starting it.
  • Meditation homework
    • I actually forgot about this, and I hope my printer will work or else I won’t be able to do this homework until I get back to school.
  • Prepare for interview!!
    • I hope when I come back from break I will have an interview for this internship I want next semester. I need to prepare for my first real interview ever.


Fall Bucket List [2019]

Happy fall!

I can’t believe it is already fall. It should still be the beginning of summer! Honestly, I am not ready for fall weather. I don’t like cold weather, but I made a bucket list in hopes of making the best of it.

Fall: September 23 – December 21

  • Carve a pumpkin
  • Practice ‘halloween’ makeup
  • Drink pumpkin spice coffee
  • Watch at least 2 halloween movies
  • Have a bonfire
  • Go to homecoming football game
  • Consistent with working out / meditation
  • Go hiking at least once
  • Post at least 4 YouTube videos
  • Journal at least twice a week
  • Finish watching “The Originals”
  • Try something new (coffee, restaurant, food)
  • Read at least 2 books
  • Post on WordPress at least once a week
  • Watch at least 2 Christmas movies
  • Have Thanksgiving with my family
  • Do Christmas shopping
  • Get rid of clothes I don’t wear so I’ll have room for new clothes

After fall season is over, I am going to post the end result of how many of these I got done. Hopefully all of these will be crossed out!

Goals for November 2017

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that the year is almost over! It’s like it was just yesterday I was enjoying my summer break. I’ve decided that at the beginning of each month I’m going to start doing goals for the month. Down below are my goals for November 2017.

1. Do 6 hours of community service for Sociology class.

2. HaveĀ Thanksgiving with my family.

3. Start Coffee Talk with best friend on YouTube.

4. Go to the gym atĀ least 3 times a week.

5. Be more outgoing.

6. Make more friends.

7. Keep up with my school work.

8. Post a blog at least 2 times a week.

9. Take more photogenic photos. (Instagram: @ kyoun42)

10. Continuously do random acts of kindness.