Blog Update

I feel like my blog is all over the place. It is not about a specific category like lifestyle, travel, fitness, DIY, etc. My blog is very personal. It’s about my likes, my dislikes, and stories about me. I thought I would lay out in bullet points would should be expected on my blog.

  • Advertising my YouTube videos
    • I don’t really post as much as I would like. Right now I am stuck as to what I should video. I haven’t been motivated either. If you have any suggestions, I’m always open to them!
  • Movie reviews
    • This is a new thing I started. I love watching movies, but I don’t really take the time to do so. This might motivate me to just so I can write about it.
  • Music to me
    • This is something I haven’t started doing yet, but I will soon. Two or three times a week I want to write about a song that I like. I might write about how I interpret it, but it’ll mostly be about what it means to me. (I’ll want you to tell me what it means to you too!)
  • Lists
    • I like making lists (such as this one). It’s a way to give advice or tell what I like or dislike about something.
  • Travel blog
    • I haven’t done this yet, but I will start soon. I have some things planned for the future! This will just tell about what I did on a trip, and it will involve pictures.
  • Story Time
    • Sometimes I might tell about something that happened, but it probably won’t be often.
  • Reflect
    • I didn’t know what else to call them, but it’s a mixture of reflecting on my life, and giving you advice on what to do or not do.

That is all that I can think of right now! I know it’s a lot of different things, but this is a personal blog. I want to share a lot of things about my life. I hope you don’t get too bored!

xx Kelli

Story Time – My Cat Got Stuck in a Trashcan

Yes, you read that correctly. My cat got stuck in a trashcan. There was a trashcan that came to my waist beside my bed because I wasn’t feeling too well. I wasn’t asleep but I was on the verge of it. I kept hearing the plastic bag rattle, and I finally look, and I see one of my cats, Leo, messing with it. Without my knowledge, it had gotten knocked over.

I tell him to stop, and pick the trashcan up again. I lay back down, but I get irritated at him because he keeps messing with it. I finally get up, and go to pick it up to take it back to the kitchen, but I realize just how heavy it was (there was nothing in it).

I look down and see one of my other cats, Thea, laying down in it.

She was apparently laying in the trashcan when I picked it from where they had knocked it over. I noticed that it seemed a little heavy, but I wasn’t feeling good, and I didn’t think anything of it.

This was the reason Leo kept trying to mess with the trashcan because after I made Thea get out he laid down beside me.

What really made me laugh was the fact that the only reason I knew Thea was in there was because I felt how heavy the trashcan was. She made no noise indicting she wanted to get out or anything. I guess she was comfortable. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Do you have a funny/cute pet story?