How I try to get through my seasonal depression

For me, this is the best and worst time of the year. I love Christmas, but I hate how the weather and holidays can make my mood worse. This year I have really trying to take care of my mental health, and while it is still a work in progress, I do have some things I try to do to get out of the slump I am in.

Sing out loud to music

One way I know that I am not feeling the best is when I am not singing out loud to the radio. Here lately I have made a point to have a sing outlaid dance party whenever I am feeling down. “I Am Woman” by Emmy Meli has proven to lift my spirits. That, and “I’m Still Standing” by Elton John.


I have to confess that I have been slacking on meditating, but honestly, my headspace is always better when I am consistently meditating. A lot of times I meditate with using a video, but sometimes I just meditate with some affirmations I need to hear in that moment. My most used ones are I am worthy, I am loved, I am more than enough.


I swear just doing my simple skin routine can sometimes make me feel so much better. I have a bad habit, thought, when I feel too crappy and I don’t do it even though I know it would help. It’s weird how we do that. Don’t do something even though we know it could help us.

Socialize in person

I tend to isolate myself when I feel myself slipping into a depression. Sometimes it’s really hard for me to stop doing that. I may not can socialize for too long, but a little bit is way better than nothing.


This is the main thing that I think helps me. It especially helps me with anxiety. It has actually been scientifically proven that exercising can help with mental illness. For me, working up a sweat can make me happy actually.


Sometimes it helps to escape to another world for a little while.