Daily & Weekly Self-Care Ideas

I am a virgo, and a huge fan of lists. Lists help me get things done. Without them, I would never know what I am supposed to be doing. My memory is so bad that I need them on the daily. I have noticed here lately that I have severely been slacking on my self-care. Today I decided to construct a list of daily self-care ideas to follow.

  • Meditate
  • Take vitamins
  • Drink (at least) 32 oz of water
  • Read one chapter of a book
  • Tidy up living space
  • Use sugar scrub / moisturize
  • Wash face
  • Do something creative
  • Eat 3x a day
  • Stretch

I have been so bad about not doing any of these. I know doing these can help my mental health, and I hope it does. I want to try to do these for a month straight and then give an update about how it has helped me or not. My main priority for 2022 is going to be self-care. I have neglected myself for so long, I need to put myself as a priority. I also have some weekly self-care things that I want to do.

  • Unsubscribe to junk mail
  • Hair / face mask
  • Dance party
  • Journal
  • Write in gratitude journal
  • Write in manifestation journal

2021 New Year Resolutions

I don’t think 2020 went as anyone had planned. I know because of the coronavirus situation, I (and many others) were not able to finish our resolutions.

This year I decided I was going to make my resolutions into a more broad list. On top of my year long resolutions, I have daily goals for myself as well, which I will talk about at the end.


I used to just say “volunteer more” as one of my resolutions, and I would mean volunteering at a local animal shelter. This year, however, I decided I wanted to make this resolution more broad. I want to volunteer more of my time toward people, whether it be people I know or strangers. This could also be considered random acts of kindness.


I want to be more mindful of things that I do every day. I tend to be thinking of 20 other things while trying to do one. I want to focus more on the now instead of the later.


It is time I leave my job at my family’s restaurant and get a job with my communications degree. I have been putting this off because I wanted a break that I greatly deserved after going to school for 17ish years straight.


My goal for this year is to save $3,000. In 2020, I reached my goal and then some. I think this was mostly because since we could not really do anything during corona, I did not spend nearly as much money and instead saved it. This year will be more of a challenge as I have more expenses than I used to.


My life is a whole lot better when it consists of lists and neat spaces. One way I am being more organized is by keeping a notebook that consists of a lot of my resolutions. I keep up with my daily to-do list, weekly self-care, money made weekly, money saved, daily affirmation, books read, new things tried, and workout log. These are the things I want to keep up with the most during 2021.


I have been pretty consistent with this for almost a year now. I just hope to continue my fitness journey.


For the past five years, I haven’t read many books at all. I am hoping to change that this year. I added something into my daily to-dos that should change that.


I need to cook more. This is one of my big goals for 2021. I know soon (maybe this year) I will on my own, and I need to make more than basic items like ramen and eggs.


I want to post a video at least once every month. During December, I posted 19 vlogmas videos and quite enjoyed it. I know I would never be able to do daily videos, but I hope to eventually get into posting once a week.


I need to make myself relax weekly. Sometimes I forget to take time for myself. This may be in the form for a nice book, massage, deep face wash, relaxing bath, etc.


I want to try to post weekly. If not, I want to at least post bi-monthly. I’m going to try to be more organized with this. Plan a week or so ahead with what I am going to post.


This year I am going to have a daily to-do list that currently consists of seven things: write 50 words, read a chapter of Bible, read 10 minutes of book, meditate 5 minutes, watch TJ daily vlog, inspirational quote, and affirmation.

The reason I am doing daily to-dos is because lists make me feel more organized and accomplished. I did set the task to be low in order for me not to feel so pressured and just not doing them at all. I figure I will do more than I required myself to do. However, I know there will be days where I will not finish my list. I will not beat myself up over it, but instead try again the next day.

These are my new year resolutions. I want this year to be a year of growth. I want to do things that make me happy, but also get out of my comfort zone.

May this year be good to us.

Mental Health Monday #4

My mental health has not been good, but I am finally doing something about it. I have come to realize this past week that I do not take care of myself enough. My motivation has been almost nonexistent. I knew what things would help my mental health, but I did not have the willpower to do them.

I have decided that to try and motivate myself this week by vlogging my week of self-care. Self-care comes in many different forms. I picked out a few for this week, and I plan on doing several each day. I am making a YouTube video out of it because I am hoping it will keep me continuing to do some of the same self-care every day. Plus, I haven’t posted a YouTube video in a while.

My plan for this week is to do my morning/night routine, exercise, meditate, mindfully drink coffee, drink more water, take a walk outside, jam to music, and be productive so I won’t be stressed out later.

Today I have done quite a bit of my self-care. I got up early this morning and went to the gym. I meditated afterward. I have drank more water, but not as much as I wanted to. I will get better about it tomorrow. I mindfully drank coffee. It was nice. I was even extremely productive today! I got some schoolwork done, and I got A LOT of my internship work done. Today was actually a down day for me, but I still pushed myself to be better.

The way I feel is not going to change overnight, but I am super excited to see how this week goes. I will, of course, continue doing more self-care in the future, but making a video is certainly a much needed push.