Life Update: School, Birthday, Youtube

This is going to be an update on my life from the first two weeks of school. My first two weeks have been a rollercoaster of emotion.


On August 24, I packed everything up in my car (forgetting some important things like my coffee maker), and I moved back into my dorm room at school. Honestly, I don’t mind living in a dorm. It’s a whole lot quieter than being at home. Although I do miss my animals. Sometimes it gets lonely. I have suite mates (so we share a bathroom), but I do not that a roommate because I paid for a private dorm.

I was really nervous to start school this year because I heard some negative things about a couple of the classes I was taking. Attending the classes have slightly eased my worry about them. I know one will be slightly difficult, but I’ve had this teacher enough to know what he wants on his tests. The other class has a different (better) teacher than previously. He’s actually one of my favorite teachers, and I think he’s going to make this class somewhat enjoyable. I also had concerns about an English class. Previous English classes I have taken have been somewhat boring. The teachers were good, but the material wasn’t interesting to me. I have a short attention span so something has to be interesting to keep me from going “squirrel!” every five seconds. Obviously not literally, but hopefully you understand what I am referring to. 

Then there was Labor Day Weekend – which was super fun because my family and I went to Illinois for a family reunion.



We do this every year, and I honestly love it because I get to see family I literally only see during Labor Day Weekend. Most of my family went for the whole week, but since I had school responsibilities, I could only go for the weekend.

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We mostly just all caught up with one another, ate really good food and played corn hole. If you don’t know what cornhole is – bless your heart. 

On Sunday, my grandpa drove me back to my dorm (because he also picked me up). I didn’t do anything for the rest of the holiday except play “Detroit Become Human.”

My second week of classes were not too bad, but procrastination has already taken a hold of my life. I did all of my homework the day it was due.

I’m not going to life. My anxiety has been awful. On Wednesday, I almost had a panic attack. Over the weekend, my grandpa was kind enough to bring me my coffee maker since I left it at his house. Well on Wednesday, I was actually motivated to make a new YouTube video of me trying instant coffee for the first time.


As I was getting my coffee maker out of the box, the coffee pot fell off and shattered on my floor.

Interesting fact about me: glass shattering gives me really bad anxiety.

I don’t know why it does, but it does to the extent I was almost have a full-blown panic attack. If you don’t know what anxiety can feel like (for others it could be different): shaking, numb, can’t breathe, heart racing.

That’s what was happening to me.

Luckily, I was able to calm down somewhat, but I still felt and uneasy feeling for the majority of the day.

I did end up buying a new coffeemaker and the YouTube video should be up within the next few weeks.

That same day, however, I started catching what I thought was a cold. I come to find out it was just really bad sinuses. I could barely function. It was terrible. It took me a week to finally start getting over it.

Finally, September 9 was my birthday. I am officially 22 years old. It honestly does not feel like I am 22. I mean, I looked like I’m 16 and sometimes I act like it too.


Those are how my last two weeks have been like. I’ve left stuff out like how I’ve been obsessed with Tik Tok here lately – probably because I literally have no close friends at school. (You can add me on there @ kelliyoung42). Also, I’ve taken a break from working out, but I hope to start back now that I feel better than I did.

I hope you have a great day! More posts should be coming soon!