2023 New Year Resolutions

For the past several years, I have created new year resolutions. I surprise myself and actually stick with it for at least 6 months. I’ll take 6 months over no months.

This year I’m putting my resolutions into 4 categories — fitness, books, productivity, and self-care.


  • Bench 95 pounds at least 5 times by the end of the year.
  • Be able to do an unassisted pull up.
  • Get better at push ups.


  • Read 30 books by the end of the year.
  • Complete book reading challenge. I made this one up myself and I’ll post about it in a different post.


  • My main goal is to decrease my procrastination. The first thing I am going to do is stop procrastinating getting out of bed. This past week I’ve been getting up after the first alarm.
  • I want to be better about posting blogs and YouTube videos. I love doing it – I just love procrastination more. However, I think procrastination is a big cause of my anxiety so I want to be better about it.


  • This year I really want to work on journaling and meditating more.
  • Also, just doing things that make me happy. And figuring out what does make me happy.

Here are my new year resolutions. Did you make any? What are they?