October in Pictures


Coffee and muffin at my favorite coffee shop.

Working out helps ease my anxious mind.

I went hiking with my best friend!

Bff Tawnie

Stitch is one of my babies

My niece and nephew have my whole heart.

Love you 

Mirror selfie 

Khole always looks so sad, but we give her lots of loving I promise.

Fall is finally showing!

The ‘IT’ drink

Practicing make up for tik Tok

October Recap [2019]

I can’t believe it is already the end of October! It’s been a few weeks since I have posted, and I apologize for that.  However! I am hopefully back. These next few posts will be somewhat October related – although some will be after October is over.

Here’s a recap of my favorites this October:

Favorite book: The Scotch Series

It’s actually three books, but when I read them, it was online, and they all blended together. Sadly, this is the only thing I read this month. I am going to try to start reading more. I really recommend this series though – unless you could possibly get triggered by rape-related things. (Rape does not actually happen, but I still would not recommend if it is a trigger.)

Favorite movie: Coraline

I had never seen this before, but I like it. It is quite creepy but intriguing.

Favorite TV show: The Originals

Favorite song: “Panic Attack” by Scotty Sire

Favorite drink: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Favorite place: Martin, TN

Favorite app: Trello (I’ll do another post talking about this app – among others.)

Favorite memory: My best friend and I carved pumpkins. I carved a vampire, and she carved what I call a “basic white girl.” I’ll post the pictures in “October in Photos.”