Mental Health Monday #3 (on Wednesday)

Another week, another mental health Monday. You may have noticed that it is in fact, not Monday, but I was so busy (and tired) on Monday and Tuesday that I forgot all about writing a post.

This past week has been rough. My anxiety has been at an all time high. I’ve had multiple panic attacks (I’m mostly ok now though). This past week was definitely a down week for me. As I said in my last post, I did go to my counselor last Thursday. We concluded that all this happened because of my thoughts, and that is something I can work on.

Essentially, I worry too much.

She did give a few suggestions on how I can help this issue. First of all, we noticed that even when I say something positive I follow up with something negative. For example, I told her a plan how I was going to get everything done that day that I needed to, but I followed up with “well, probably. We’ll see how it goes.” I’m working on just doing what I planned to do. I have a bad habit of losing motivation.

My goal is practice not thinking so much . Overthinking, I mean. My anxiety has been so high because I overthink every little thing. The dialogue in my head is never quiet.

One thing I have not been doing even though my counselor said I should is to not drink coffee or tea. She said other things too, but coffee and tea is the only thing I drink out of what she listed. I have not stopped drinking either one of those. I know they don’t help my anxiety, but I drink one of those every single day.

I’m still trying to exercise and meditate every day because I know it would help, but it’s hard to find the motivation to do either of those.

Does anyone have self-motivation tips? Please tell me.

Also, don’t get me wrong. I do get everything done, but I want to get everything done before the last minute. I hold off doing everything, and I am thinking about it the entire time. You may think that if I worry about it all the time then I could just do it then, but it doesn’t always work that way. I can’t concentrate long enough to get most things done unless I am in a time crunch.


Mental Health Monday #2

I have been super busy this past week, and I feel like this week is going to be even busier. I’m not going to lie – because of how busy and stressed I have been, I’ve had a breakdown or two. I am in my last semester of school, and it is so stressful making sure that I have everything I need to graduate.

On a positive note, I have been sticking with working out! I have worked out 5/7 days this past week. I am super proud of myself, and I hope to keep working out as I know that it makes me feel better about myself. There was a few times that I got up early and went to the gym or just worked out in my room. When I go to the gym, I try to have a list of workouts that I want to do so I won’t get there and be scratching my head on what I want to do next. In my dorm room, I have multiple different websites that I use to do workout videos. There’s beachbody (not free), blogilates (free), YouTube (free), and FitOn (free).

The reason I’m talking about working out so much is because it has helped me so much. As I think I said in my last Mental Health Monday post, I have noticed that exercise and meditation have helped me become happier.

Doing those things aren’t the only thing I have been doing. Since last semester, I have been going to counseling at my health center on campus (so it’s free). I feel like I have made progress. My counselor helps me realize that the thoughts I have are “irrational” – my words, not hers. I actually have a session this Thursday so I will let you know how that goes! My main problem is that I have a negative way of thinking. While I have come a LONG way, I still have a long way to go.

Here are some things I want to work on this week:

1. be more social/get out of my comfort zone

2. work out regularly

3. use less negative language toward myself

4. be more mindful

5. eat healthier

Do you have any goals for this week? How are you going to practice self-care?