Daily & Weekly Self-Care Ideas

I am a virgo, and a huge fan of lists. Lists help me get things done. Without them, I would never know what I am supposed to be doing. My memory is so bad that I need them on the daily. I have noticed here lately that I have severely been slacking on my self-care. Today I decided to construct a list of daily self-care ideas to follow.

  • Meditate
  • Take vitamins
  • Drink (at least) 32 oz of water
  • Read one chapter of a book
  • Tidy up living space
  • Use sugar scrub / moisturize
  • Wash face
  • Do something creative
  • Eat 3x a day
  • Stretch

I have been so bad about not doing any of these. I know doing these can help my mental health, and I hope it does. I want to try to do these for a month straight and then give an update about how it has helped me or not. My main priority for 2022 is going to be self-care. I have neglected myself for so long, I need to put myself as a priority. I also have some weekly self-care things that I want to do.

  • Unsubscribe to junk mail
  • Hair / face mask
  • Dance party
  • Journal
  • Write in gratitude journal
  • Write in manifestation journal

Blogmas post ideas

It is day 2 of blogmas (and vlogmas)!! I am super excited to do it this year. I decided to make a list of possible blogmas post ideas because I know I am always looking up this exact thing.

  1. Blogmas post ideas
  2. Christmas tree reveal
  3. Christmas traditions
  4. Holiday bucket list
  5. How to deal with holiday stress
  6. Winter morning/night routine
  7. 12 things I learned this year
  8. Favorite books I read this year
  9. Favorite Christmas songs
  10. Favorite Christmas movies
  11. Favorite Christmas food/drinks
  12. Secret Santa ideas
  13. Favorite winter outfits
  14. Christmas tbr
  15. My perfect Christmas would be…
  16. Christmas wish list
  17. Holiday in photos
  18. Winter skin routine
  19. Stocking filler ideas
  20. Christmas tag
  21. Christmas playlist
  22. Favorite youtuber’s vlogmas
  23. How to volunteer/donate during Christmas
  24. What I got others for Christmas
  25. What I got for Christmas

2020 New Year Resolutions

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a great year so far! This year I am really putting a challenge on myself to become a better and happier person. I wrote out a whole list of New Year Resolutions that I want to complete this 2020. I actually put them in a notebook and am logging the things I get done. What I mean by this is, for example, I want to workout at least three times a week. To keep myself motivated, I created a ‘workout log’ in a notebook so I will more likely hold myself accountable each week. Here are some more resolutions (and how I keep up with it):

1Self-care to help your mental health – I wrote a list of things I can do that could help my mental health. For example, workout, dance, hot shower, face mask, ect.

2. Be a better friend and family member – I wrote out ways I could do this.

3. Read at least x books in 2020 – When I read a book, I write the title, author and the date I finished reading it.

4. Save money (goal: $5,000) – I write out the date I deposit money, the amount deposited and the total amount saved in 2020.

5. Workout log (goal: 3 times a week) – I have writen ‘week x (month date – month date), and then under it have the day, how long I worked out and what kind of workout.

6. Podcasts (goal: watch 2 a month) – I write the podcast name, the author and the date listened.

7. Trying new things (at least 4 a month) – I write down the new thing I tried, the date I tried it and a note about if I liked it or not.

8. Learn how to cook – I list the things I have cooked and when I cooked it.

9. Youtube ideas – I have a list of ideas for my youtube channel.

10. Blog ideas – I have a list of ideas for my blog.

11. How to be more extroverted.confident – I have a list on things to achieve this.

These are the New Year Resolutions that I have for this year. What are your New Year Resolutions? Do you have any suggestions on what else I can do to have a happy 2020?