New Year Resolutions

My 2024 has started out with me being sick. For the past three weeks, I have not felt like being productive at all. I am normally on top of making my new year resolutions and starting to implement them to my life already. I am eleven days behind, but I am ready to start the new year.

The main New Years Resolution that I have that I want to focus on this year is to be more creative, and to have fun with it. I enjoy blogging and YouTube, but I feel as though I somehow make it into a chore. My goal is to do those things and have fun doing them.

I want to post on YouTube at least twice a month, and post on my blog twice a month as well. I hope at some point I can do both once a week, but I know if I make that my goal right now I would fail. I also really want to work on a book that I have been trying to write. I do want to do that once a week, if not more.

Onto another goal I have, toward the end of 2023, I really slacked off on going to the gym. I was busy, and honestly, I didn’t want to make the drive to the gym. The whole thing takes up a bit of time. I am going to start getting back into the gym, and even start doing more cardio and yoga on top of my strength training. I will be working out three to four times a week. I know when I am working out consistently I feel so much better than the way that I am feeling right now.

Lastly, one of my main goals is my reading goal. In 2023, I made a reading goal of 30 books, and I exceeded that goal during the summer so I extended it to 50 books. I ended up hitting my 50 books goal on Christmas Eve. I want to challenge myself this year so I made my reading goal to be 50 books. I haven’t made as much time lately to read so I really want to make more time for it like I did the first six months of last year. I’ve already compiled a list of books I want to read this year that I may share on here later.

These are my main goals for 2024. Do you have any new year resolutions? What are they, and how are you going to reach them?

Fitness Journey Update

It has been a long time since I have updated my fitness journey even though I had said I would a few weeks after the last one. My bad.

I am proud to say that I am still consistently going to the gym every week. I have typically been going 4 times a week.

I used to do a little bit of everything, but for the past few months, I have been breaking up my days. Here’s how it typically goes:

Monday: Back and Bicep, Shoulders, Cardio

Tuesday: Chest and Tricep, Cardio

Wednesday: Legs, Core, Cardio

Saturday: Core, Cardio

Here lately, I have also been trying to do some Ab workouts every day as well, not just doing them on Saturdays. I have been really want to strengthen my core.

I am at the point in my fitness journey where not only can I feel and see a difference in my body, but other people can as well. My best friend often points out my progress when watching my YouTube videos. That makes me feel really good inside.

On another note, I am lucky enough to have gained a few friends at the gym. They are all older than me but still. It has gotten to where sometimes I do my own thing at the gym, but more often than not, I have been joining in on someone else’s workout routine for the day. Thank you Lisa and Glenn.

Everyone I speak to at the gym have been going there way longer than I have, and so I am always appreciative when they help me out with something. They are very helpful with correcting my form and showing me new workouts.

I have been trying new things here lately, such as different workouts using the cables. I have also been benching more. I do just the bar more often than anything. I try to do at least 30 reps. I will then put 5 lb on each side. I can do those for 10 reps; 2 sets. I try to do 10 lbs on each side, but I can usually do a max of 5 reps.

It’s progress and that is all that matters.

New Youtube Video: these people should be glad I love them

Hey guys! I have posted several YouTube videos this month! “these people should be glad I love them” is the newest of the three.

I have challenged myself to post every day for a week, which I was not able to one day already, but I am not going to let that deter me from not posting for the rest of the week.

I would appreciate it if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel šŸ™‚

I typically make a thumbnail for my videos, but I have been lazy here lately.. I’m going to try to get back into doing it because I think it makes it look better.

Anyway, tell me what you think! These probably won’t be great since I am vlogging and editing every day, but I’m still trying my best!

Goals for July 2019

Last month I only finished about half of goals that I wanted to do. This month I’m going to start making a calendar of when I am doing to do things. This way I will be more motivated to get things done.

Here’s a list of the goals I have for July:

  • See fireworks
  • Post on Twitter at least once a day
  • Post on Instagram once a week
  • Post on tik Tok at least every other day
  • Do at least 6 hours of community service at the animal shelter
  • Post 2 Youtube videos
  • work work work work
  • see a baseball game
  • Go camping
  • Go hiking
  • Get tanner
  • Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Post on Tumblr once a week (at least)
  • Clean room (and try to keep it clean)
  • Learn how to cook basics (if you have any easy recipes please send them to me)

Do you have goals for July? What are they?

May in Pictures

I saw that someone did something similar to this, and I thought it was a really cool idea. A picture is a snapshot of a memory! Here are some good memories from May 2019.

Strawberry festival

My Pa’s new puppy, Kai

Khole loves laying on people

Night hike with one of my faves (other friends not pictured)

Swimming at the local lake for Memorial Day

Started going to the gym

2/5 of my babies (although technically they’re not all mine)

My Fitness Journey Begins

I have been putting off getting in shape for a very long time. I used to go to the gym at my school regularly, but this whole year I have made some excuse as to why I shouldn’t go. (Most of the time it was because I was “too tired.”)

I’m back home, and I’ve finally talked myself into joining a gym (with my friend) for the summer.

Today was my first day, and I am kind of proud of myself! I wanted to blog about it so I could stay motived to keep working out and growing stronger. I might do a progress on how I look and feel every 1-2 weeks.

I also want advice. What workouts should I do to improve upper body strength? I’m also walking/jogging/running because I want to be able to do a marathon one day.

Can someone help me out with a workout plan?

I’m going to post pictures down below of what I look like now. (I know I have a dirty mirror, but it’s my mom’s mirror, and I am too lazy to clean it.)

Day 1:

Goals for November 2017

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that the year is almost over! It’s like it was just yesterday I was enjoying my summer break. I’ve decided that at the beginning of each month I’m going to start doing goals for the month. Down below are my goals for November 2017.

1. Do 6 hours of community service for Sociology class.

2. HaveĀ Thanksgiving with my family.

3. Start Coffee Talk with best friend on YouTube.

4. Go to the gym atĀ least 3 times a week.

5. Be more outgoing.

6. Make more friends.

7. Keep up with my school work.

8. Post a blog at least 2 times a week.

9. Take more photogenic photos. (Instagram: @ kyoun42)

10. Continuously do random acts of kindness.