Things You Need To Stop Doing

You probably do a lot of things that you don’t need to be doing and maybe you need a reminder of it.

1. Stop thinking you’re not good enough

  • You ARE good enough! Whoever told you weren’t good enough don’t know what they’re talking about. You can do anything you put your mind to.

2. Stop procrastinating 

  • I am the WORST (or is it the best?) at procrastinating. There has been so many times that I will put something off until I just absolutely have to do it. There have been so many test I could have probably made a 100 on if I would have studied before the day of the exam. So stop procrastinating and I promise it’ll make you feel better about yourself.

3. Stop letting yourself get too stressed

  • I used to have the bad habit of letting everything get built upon my shoulders and the heaviness would weigh me down. Don’t let that happen! Do something that helps the stress go away (that’s healthy of course!) Some of the things that I do is I may just be around people who I enjoy being with and I laugh a lot with. I also love to do yoga and workout at the gym too. Them two really help me with the stress I have at school.

4. Stop making excuses for others and yourself

  • There is no excuse! If a person is acting a way they shouldn’t be or treating you a way they shouldn’t be; don’t make up excuses for them! It is what it is and there is no excuse for it. Also, stop making excuses for yourself. Don’t try to find an excuse to not do something you need to do. Just do it.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others

  • You are your own person. No one is the same so don’t try to compare yourself to someone else.

6. Stop saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’

  • Don’t agree to something just because someone wants you to! If you don’t want to do something then say NO. If they keep trying to pressure you into say yes, keep your ground. Don’t let anyone push you around.

7. Stop giving your time and energy to people who don’t respect you

  • I have an ex-boyfriend that I was on and off with for years. I gave so much time to this one person and they didn’t even respect me! If someone doesn’t respect you, don’t waste the limited time you have in life on them. Once you let a toxic person go, you’ll eventually find someone that is good for you; whether it be a friend or a lover.

8. Stop letting yourself live in the past

  • Everyone makes mistakes. Let go of what happened in your past and move toward the future.