Goals for June 2019

Sadly, I did not do everything I wanted to last month, but hopefully this month will be better. I’m going to work hard to volunteer and post on YouTube this month.

  1. Go to the gym at least three times a week
    • I am confident that I’ll have this goal down because we (me and Tawnie) have been doing pretty good so far. We typically get up at 5 am, and we get to the gym by 6-6:30. We both like going to the gym earlier instead of later. It makes it feel like you have more time in the day to do other things.
  2. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice
    • I did not volunteer at all last month, but I’ve discussed it with Tawnie, and we might go by and volunteer after we leave the gym. I’m really excited to do this because volunteering at the animal shelter makes me really happy.
  3. Post on WordPress at least twice a week
    • I’ve been pretty good about posting. I’m going to try to get a tad bit better about it though. I haven’t post much here lately because I’ve been using my wifi to download some games on my new PS4.
  4. Post at least two YouTube videos
    • I tend to neglect my youtube channel. What kind of stuff do you like to watch on youtube – vlog wise. Maybe reviews, mukbangs, advice, etc. If you want any advice just let me know!
  5. work work work work work
    • I’ve been working so much it’s better to ask when I don’t work. But honestly even then I probably couldn’t tell you because I get called in last minute… No one else seems to want to work.
  6. Plan a vacation
    • I was going to plan a trip to Panama City Beach, Florida, but it’s gong to cost way too much, and I do not have a lot of friends that could go. I’m thinking about going to The Smokey Mountains instead. It’s been a while since I’ve been, and I would love to go there with some friends.
  7. Go on a hike with friends
    • I love hiking with friends! I think I’m actually going this weekend. There are a lot of parks around where I live with hiking trails.

Here are seven goals I hope to complete this June. Do you have any goals for June? What are they?