July Wrap-Up

July goals

  • Job search
  • Work on book
  • Finish reading ‘A Court of Thorns and Roses’
  • Read a book from my personal collection (I have so many that I’ve had for years and have never read)
  • Publish (at least) 4 blog posts
  • Publish (at least) 2 Tumblr posts
  • Volunteer
  • Visit Martin
  • Celebrate 4th of July
  • Have a photoshoot
  • Work in garden
  • Post a YouTube video
  • Stream on Twitch (kyoun42)
  • Send out ‘Thank You’ cards
  • Go hiking
  • Get a wax
  • Try something new
  • Make (at least) 2 new coffee recipes at home
  • Watch (at least) season 5-8 of Criminal Minds
  • Organize house
  • Sell old college books
  • Buy new camera (decided not to)
  • Sell camcorder
  • Have a meal plan
  • Use planner regularly
  • Practice self-care (at least) once a week
  • Save $500

January in Pictures

Do you ever have that weird experience where you can’t tell if time went by really fast or really slow? That’s me right now. Part of me is like “oh wow, January is already almost over,” but then another part of me is like “oh wow, it’s ONLY January.”

Anyway, here’s what my January looked like!

My January has been quite interesting. I started an internship (which I love). I am working out again. I’m drinking lots of good coffee and even been meditating.

I want to give an explanation for the last picture. The last picture is (obviously) of my shower (which I share with two suitemates). Last night one of them called me and asked if I knew what happened to the shower head. I asked. “.. what do you mean what happened to the shower head?” I went into the bathroom and it was literally GONE. We don’t know who took it or when. I know it was sometime yesterday between 12 p.m. and 11 p.m. but other than that, we have no idea exactly when or how or WHY.

Goals for May 2019

These goals are mainly for my benefit because it is easier for me to get things done if I have them written out. With that being said, down below are the things I hope to do in May of 2019.

  1. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice.
    • I love volunteering at this local animal shelter with my friends. At the time of day we go, we usually finish walking what ever dogs have not been walked yet. Then we clean what ever it is that they want us to clean.
  2. Plant the flower seeds I got.
    • I love planting seeds, but I honestly have a hard time keeping them alive. I don’t have a green thumb when it comes to my own plants. I do help my grandpa with his gardening though. He grows lots of watermelons, cantaloupes, and tomatoes. We sell them all summer.
  3. Post on WordPress at least twice a week.
    • I’m hoping that I am able to stay consistent this time. A year ago, it was hard to decide what I wanted to write about, but now that I’ve decided to go with what ever is on my mind – whether it be a story, a recipe, or something like this – I’m going to go with it.
  4. Post on Tumblr at least once a week.
    • I like to write fan fiction and post it on Tumblr.
  5. Go to two festivals – Strawberry and Folk festival.
    • I went to the Strawberry festival a few days ago, but the Folk festival is next week. I’m really excited to go because there’s going to be music, crafts, and old cars.
  6. Post at least 2 YouTube Videos.
    • The only problem I have with posting YouTube videos is that I have to be really motivated and happy, but here lately I haven’t been that so I have been struggling to make content.
  7. Start working out again – 3 times a week.
    • I’ve been neglecting working out. This is probably part of the reason why I haven’t been motivated to make YouTube videos. I’m hoping to start running and lifting weights again.
  8. Work work work work work.
    • I have to pay for some schooling next school year so I need to work as much as I can. On top of that, I have to pay for groceries, books, and what ever necessities that I have.

These are eight goals I hope to accomplish this month! Do you have any goals for this month? If so, comment them down below! 🙂

Goals for November 2017

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that the year is almost over! It’s like it was just yesterday I was enjoying my summer break. I’ve decided that at the beginning of each month I’m going to start doing goals for the month. Down below are my goals for November 2017.

1. Do 6 hours of community service for Sociology class.

2. Have Thanksgiving with my family.

3. Start Coffee Talk with best friend on YouTube.

4. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.

5. Be more outgoing.

6. Make more friends.

7. Keep up with my school work.

8. Post a blog at least 2 times a week.

9. Take more photogenic photos. (Instagram: @ kyoun42)

10. Continuously do random acts of kindness.