Gaming Youtube Channel: BelieveGaming

You may be thinking.. this girl has a gaming channel?? Well… no, I don’t. Not yet anyway. But my best friend does, and I love watching him play.

He was finished play Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn. He is currently posting Far Cry 6 @ 10 am CDT and Angels of Death @ 7 pm CDT every single day. These are subject to change, but for the time being this is accurate.

If you like watching this kind of stuff, I would greatly appreciate it if you would check him out and subscribe to him. I am not sure what games he will be playing next, but I am sure he is likely to choose a game you guys would like him to play (and is interesting).

Click this sentence to go to his YouTube channel!

I am managing his social media for the time being (surprise, surprise, I actually have a degree for this kind of thing), and we would appreciate some feedback. We love constructive criticism!