PS4 Game Review: Just Cause 3

I just recently got a PS4 about a week ago as an early birthday present. I received three games, not counting the extra two I got because I am a playstation plus member.

My favorite that I have played so far is Just Cause 3.

If you love games where you kill people and blow things up then this game is definitely for you.

The graphics are great on the PS4. I didn’t realize just how great it was compared to years ago until I played one of my PS1 games. Major difference.

In Just Cause 3, the story is that a guy has taken over pretty much everywhere, and the guy you play is part of the rebels and has to take it back over.

He finds different cities or whatever place it may be, and he has to do certain tasks to take it back over. The list of objects could be to blow up the fuel tank, take over the police station, tear down the statue, etc. After you finish the list you take down the enemies flag, and you put up the rebel flag.

I enjoy going around and blowing things up trying to take back over cities. The guy also has a gadget on him where he’s kind of like Spiderman. I don’t remember exactly what it is, but like Spiderman, he has web-like things coming and helping him move to places. It can even help move other things too. I usually use them to travel faster, climb up mountains, and tear down statues.

You also have a wingsuit (which I don’t really use), and a parachute (which I use a lot).

I would 10/10 recommend Just Cause 3. I also heard that Just Cause 4 is better.