Fitness Journey Update

It has been a long time since I have updated my fitness journey even though I had said I would a few weeks after the last one. My bad.

I am proud to say that I am still consistently going to the gym every week. I have typically been going 4 times a week.

I used to do a little bit of everything, but for the past few months, I have been breaking up my days. Here’s how it typically goes:

Monday: Back and Bicep, Shoulders, Cardio

Tuesday: Chest and Tricep, Cardio

Wednesday: Legs, Core, Cardio

Saturday: Core, Cardio

Here lately, I have also been trying to do some Ab workouts every day as well, not just doing them on Saturdays. I have been really want to strengthen my core.

I am at the point in my fitness journey where not only can I feel and see a difference in my body, but other people can as well. My best friend often points out my progress when watching my YouTube videos. That makes me feel really good inside.

On another note, I am lucky enough to have gained a few friends at the gym. They are all older than me but still. It has gotten to where sometimes I do my own thing at the gym, but more often than not, I have been joining in on someone else’s workout routine for the day. Thank you Lisa and Glenn.

Everyone I speak to at the gym have been going there way longer than I have, and so I am always appreciative when they help me out with something. They are very helpful with correcting my form and showing me new workouts.

I have been trying new things here lately, such as different workouts using the cables. I have also been benching more. I do just the bar more often than anything. I try to do at least 30 reps. I will then put 5 lb on each side. I can do those for 10 reps; 2 sets. I try to do 10 lbs on each side, but I can usually do a max of 5 reps.

It’s progress and that is all that matters.