February goals

For the past few months, I have been slacking on doing monthly (and weekly) goals, but I hope now that the stressful holidays are over and I am feeling much better since I had covid about three weeks ago, I want to get back into the swing of making lists.

Here are my goals for February 2022:

  • Hang out with Ricky
  • Hang out with Kendyll
  • Finishing reading 2 books
  • Post 4 Youtube videos
  • Blog 4 times
  • Write regularly
  • Declutter closet
  • Take cute instagram pics
  • Write a love letter
  • Practice self-care
  • Random anonymous act of kindness
  • Use saved up money to declaw cats or fix car radio

This year I am trying really hard to focus on my self-care. It seems to be something I usually put on the back burner. I also want to try and be more involved with my friends. I have a bad habit of having an out of sight, out of mind mindset. I haven’t hung out with Ricky or Kendyll in months. Ricky is moving closer in a couple of weeks and Kendyll only lives about an hour away yet none of us have made the time to get together.

Overall, I just really want to work on being a healthier and more productive person. I want to be happy.

February Goals

I complied a list of goals for this month!

Post 2 YT videos

I have started posting YouTube videos again. Last December, I did about 18 days of vlogmas before I got burnt out, but I do want to start post videos at least twice a month. I want to eventually post once a week.

Post on blog 4 times

I have been so bad about posting on here, but I have this month more prepared. I’ve been using a planner a lot more here lately and have already planned out several blog posts.

Read 2 books

I’ve started reading again this year. I used to read all the time, but when I went to college, I hardly ever read for pleasure. My goal this year is to read 22 books, but I expect I’ll read more than that.

Be more active on Instagram

I have a fitness instagram, and I really want to be more active on that account. This past weekend, I have been researching what I could do with my account. I will be posting a progress picture at some point. I also might post about food as well. If you have any suggestions, please do comment them.

Try new recipes

I have a couple new drink recipes I want to try, and I’m sure there’s some new food recipes as well.

Do my daily to dos

When making my new year resolutions, I made a list of daily to dos to help me accomplish my goals. My daily list consists of: write 50 words, read bible, read 10 minutes of book, meditate 5 minutes, watch TJ daily vlog, inspirational quote, and affirmation.

Wake up and don’t hit snooze

I usually have four or five alarms set and still hit snooze once more. I have now made myself only have two alarms. Today on February 1, I did actually get up earlier than I have been here lately. I hope to eventually get up after the first alarm goes off.

Ab challenge

This month I am going to do an ab challenge. I will take a picture of my stomach in the beginning and the end of this month so I can compare. I will do sit ups, crunches, leg raises and planks daily.

Finish Criminal Minds

I am almost done with this series! I am so excited, but also sad that I am almost to the end. They will still have episodes coming out, but it won’t be the same as watching as many new episodes as I want.

Finish The Seven Deadly Sins

This is an anime that I started in January. I could have already finished it, but I just don’t want it to end! It is so good. I love all the seven deadly sins and their friends. After I finish Criminal Minds, I am going to finish this series.