Dream Journal: Baseball Bruises and Paramedic Guy

Dreams are really weird. For me, they are always random, usually really long (in my mind anyway), and a lot of times by the end of it I know I am dreaming. One time I was having a nightmare when I finally realized I was only dreaming, I started telling myself in the dream to open my eyes until I finally did. I did right before a person that was trying to kill me got to me.

One thing about my dreams is that they always feel very real. I can usually feel the pain or emotion deeply (especially emotion).

This particular dream I had a week or so ago was weird but normal at the same time.

In my dream, I was playing baseball, which is something I have not done in about 7 years. Everything seemed as though  I never stopped playing. I remember distinctly seeing one guy on my team that I used to play with, and I also saw one of my old coaches.

I was up to bat. The pitcher threw the ball, and it hit me in the helmet. I didn’t fall to the ground, but I definitely dropped my bat and grabbed my head. It hurt really bad, but I still went to first base.

One thing that made me laugh when I woke up was when I got to first, my coach asked me if I wanted a player to take my place in running. This was funny to me because this scenario had also happened in real life except I had gotten hit in the knee. I was stubborn in both instances and said that I could still run myself (which I made it home in both cases).

In my dream, my coach told me to steal second base so I did, but when the catcher threw the ball to second, the ball hit my leg hard as I was sliding in. That hurt really bad, but I still ended up making it home.

The dream then skips to where I am batting again. The pitcher throws the ball and almost hits me again, but I dodge it. I look at the pitcher and say, “Are you going to throw me a strike or are you just going to hit me all day?” The next pitch hits me in the arm.

By this point, I am really feeling all the hits I had taken during the game. I think I ended up actually having a concussion from the first time I was hit. I even told this guy to run for me because I was not feeling well at all.

It was at this moment that my friend I call “paramedic guy” came to watch me play baseball. In my dream he had just gotten off work so he still had his work clothes on.

Someone in my dream told him that he should take a look at me because I probably had a concussion.

The last part is really blurry. I just remember him taking me to his truck and checking out the big bruises I had on my arm and leg. Then I woke up.

Here lately, dreams have been really interesting to me. I’ve always heard that your dreams mean something. With this particular dream, I decided to try to look up what it could mean. The only thing I really found relevant in my search is the fact that I got hurt in my dream. One ‘translation’ that I really found interesting was that a dream in which I get injured could mean that I am scared of being emotionally hurt in real life. I thought this was especially interesting because “paramedic guy” was also in it. There could definitely be a connection between the two.

What do you think my dream could mean?