Weekend Wrap-Up #4

My mental health was suffering these past few weeks, but things are starting to slightly look up again. Here’s some of the thoughts I’ve had the past two weeks.

  • These next few months, I want to focus on losing inner thigh fat and slight arm fat. I’ve found some workouts to do that. I may write a blog about results in the future.
  • I had to take a mental health day and that is ok.
  • I did something I’ve never done before and that was round up cows. Luckily, it was really easy to do. They went right back in the fence.
  • This past week is when we were supposed to start planing crops on the farm, but we are having to wait due to rain. Hopefully we’ll be able to the first of May!
  • I was supposed to meet up with a friend, but she had some issues she had to take care of so I had a drink alone at the bar. I did go on a walk afterward. The sun felt really nice. I am so ready for summer.
  • Next week I have an appointment with a doctor and hopefully will be given some medicine for allergies. Some people I know have said that they have been given a shot and felt a lot better within a few hours. I really hope that’s what happens to me. It’s mostly my ears that bother me, but today I had a really sick stomach. I think it was caused by drainage (on an empty stomach).
  • I’ve been reading Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. I don’t know why, but it hasn’t caught my attention like I thought it would. I do like it but everything seems to drag by. I don’t know if it is just this book or if I am just in a reading slump. All I know is I need to finish it within the next week because that is when my book loan ends. I am not even half way through!