May in Pictures

There is not much that I want say before you see my May in pictures, but I do want to say this. Black lives matter. Not all cops are bad. I believe the bad people deserve to go to jail.

Also, the picture where I have a bruised face is just make up I did for Tik Tok.

January in Pictures

Do you ever have that weird experience where you can’t tell if time went by really fast or really slow? That’s me right now. Part of me is like “oh wow, January is already almost over,” but then another part of me is like “oh wow, it’s ONLY January.”

Anyway, here’s what my January looked like!

My January has been quite interesting. I started an internship (which I love). I am working out again. I’m drinking lots of good coffee and even been meditating.

I want to give an explanation for the last picture. The last picture is (obviously) of my shower (which I share with two suitemates). Last night one of them called me and asked if I knew what happened to the shower head. I asked. “.. what do you mean what happened to the shower head?” I went into the bathroom and it was literally GONE. We don’t know who took it or when. I know it was sometime yesterday between 12 p.m. and 11 p.m. but other than that, we have no idea exactly when or how or WHY.

Three MORE ways to win my heart


Day 6: Five three ways to win your heart.

5 Ways to Win My Heart is a previous post I have written on the topic. Those five are definite ways to win my heart.

1. Love cats and dogs as much as I do.

Cats and dogs are my life. Not to mention, I have several of both so if you hate them then it would not work out at all. Also, you can’t hate/dislike penguins. Penguins are the cutest things ever.

Penguin at the Gatlinburg Aquarium

2. Space

I have a personal bubble, and I don’t like when people invade that personal space (all the time). I mentioned in my previous post three pet peeves about how I don’t like people being in my personal space. I appreciate when people understand and respect that. If someone does not respect that then I will more than likely pull away from them.

3. Food

Food makes me happy. I turn into one of those typically girls that dance while they are eating. If a person buys or makes me food then I will probably keep them around a little bit longer (lol). This was the reason I kept some guys around for longer than they should have been (mostly kidding).

May in Pictures

I saw that someone did something similar to this, and I thought it was a really cool idea. A picture is a snapshot of a memory! Here are some good memories from May 2019.

Strawberry festival

My Pa’s new puppy, Kai

Khole loves laying on people

Night hike with one of my faves (other friends not pictured)

Swimming at the local lake for Memorial Day

Started going to the gym

2/5 of my babies (although technically they’re not all mine)

Story Time – My Cat Got Stuck in a Trashcan

Yes, you read that correctly. My cat got stuck in a trashcan. There was a trashcan that came to my waist beside my bed because I wasn’t feeling too well. I wasn’t asleep but I was on the verge of it. I kept hearing the plastic bag rattle, and I finally look, and I see one of my cats, Leo, messing with it. Without my knowledge, it had gotten knocked over.

I tell him to stop, and pick the trashcan up again. I lay back down, but I get irritated at him because he keeps messing with it. I finally get up, and go to pick it up to take it back to the kitchen, but I realize just how heavy it was (there was nothing in it).

I look down and see one of my other cats, Thea, laying down in it.

She was apparently laying in the trashcan when I picked it from where they had knocked it over. I noticed that it seemed a little heavy, but I wasn’t feeling good, and I didn’t think anything of it.

This was the reason Leo kept trying to mess with the trashcan because after I made Thea get out he laid down beside me.

What really made me laugh was the fact that the only reason I knew Thea was in there was because I felt how heavy the trashcan was. She made no noise indicting she wanted to get out or anything. I guess she was comfortable. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Do you have a funny/cute pet story?