“I love you.”

“I love you” is something that is said automatically where I live. After ending a phone call or leaving to go somewhere, “I love you” is always said to a loved one. “Ok, I have to go. Bye, I love you.” *hangs up*

The problem with this is that I am not one to tell how I feel verbally. I feel awkward telling the people I love “I love you.” As soon as someone tells me, I get an anxious feeling in me, and I try to leave or hang up as soon as possible.

But that does not mean that I do not love them.

I show love differently.

I show love in the way I am there when they call me last minute asking for a favor. I show love in the way I smile at them. I show love in the way I put down my phone so I can listen to what they have to say.

I usually show love in actions instead of words.

It does not mean that I do not love someone any less just because it’s hard for me to sometimes tell them how I feel.

I believe as long as someone shows that they love someone – the words shouldn’t matter.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Mark Twain