June goals RECAP [2021]

I feel like the months are going by so fast. June seemed to have just started yesterday and it is already the end of it. Here’s the results from my goals for this month.

Buy a new planner

I did do this and I am so excited to use it. It is called the simplified planner. This planner will help me simplify my life, and at the same time, declutter it. It kind of goes hand in hand. I will make a post about this planner sometime in the future.

Read 2 books

I read 4 books in total this month.

  • Coming Up Roses (The Southern Roots, #1) by L.K. Farlow
  • An Uphill Battle (The Southern Roots, #2) by L.K. Farlow
  • Weather the Storm (The Southern Roots, #3) by L.K. Farlow
  • Shielding His Baby (Deuces Wild, #3) by Taryn Quinn

Post 4 blogs

I ended up only posting three. These are the ones I posted:

Post 4 YouTube videos

I did not post 4 videos this month, but these are the ones I did post.

Get tanner

I feel like by me walking outside 3-4 times a week has gotten me a little tanner.

Walk 30 miles for cancer

I walked over 30 miles to raise awareness for cancer.

Take vitamins daily

I didn’t have vitamins for 2 weeks of this month, but when I did have them I took them. I am counting this because I could not help that my vitamins got here late, lol.

Meditate 3x a week

I did not do this. I did meditate about once a week. I am still trying to get better at this.

Go hiking

I actually did not go hiking, although I did walk on a track a lot. This month just flew by. I am going to pencil in time for a hike next month.

Practice writing

I have practiced writing this month. I started writing my book instead of staying stuck on beginning ideas. I am trying to male myself plow through on writing and let myself go back later to rewrite, add or subtract things from my rough draft.

22 push ups every day

I started this at the beginning of the month, but I ended up have to take a week and a half break because I got a bad sinus infection. I have started again on June 28 and will do this for at least 22 days to raise veteran suicide awareness.

22 squats every day

I did not continue doing this. Probably should.

Clean house

I have started this. I reorganized the kitchen’s pantry and multiple cluttered drawers. I hope to move to the dining room and my room.