A letter to my January 2022 self

Dear January me,

I know you’re sick right now with covid. Or still trying to recover. Spoiler alert: it’s going to take months before you feel OK again. Just keep pushing through.

I know you’re wondering how 2022 is going to go for you. You think this year is your year. Instead, this year is going to be a rough year. You’re gonna struggle. You’re gonna feel bad (sick) half the time. You’re definitely going to cry.

But — you’ll be alright. You’ll still have good times. You might not do everything you wished you would do, but you’ve still made memories.

You’ll visit your family in Illinois. You’ll feel bad, and won’t find out why till later, but you’ll still have a fun time.

In April, you’re going to burn your hand at work. You will cry a little bit, but just let your coworker put aloe on your hand and then when you get home you can put Vaseline on it. Makes it stop burning instantly.

During the summer, you’re gonna help Pa with farming. Uncle is supposed to help, but with him sick, you’ll end up doing most of the planting. It’s going to be really hot, and again, you won’t feel well, but you push through. I’m going to cherish the times we’ve helped Pa.

There’s other fun things that you will do with your friends. You’ll go hiking a couple times. The annual strawberry festival is fun as always. You’ll even go twice. You’ll go to Nashville for a day with some of your best friends. You’ll meet interesting people who may or may not stay in your life. Overall, life will still be good.

I’m not going to lie, your love life is going to suck this whole year, but you just need to focus on feeling better. I truly believe that the perfect person is out there for us. We just have to be patient.

I know you’re probably thinking “man, this year is gonna suck,” and honestly, a lot of parts do suck, but there’s a lot of great parts too. It’s just one of those years where we grow. Sometime soon we’ll thrive.

Keep on keeping on.

Love, your December 2022 self

Books I read in 2022

My goal was to read at least 22 books this year, and I actually went past that goal by reading 29 books. Here’s what I read this past year (in order). I’ll even add what I had rated it on GoodReads!

  • Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Stacey Kennedy (3 stars)
  • Twilight (The Twilight Saga, #1) by Stephenie Meyer (4 stars)
  • Carved (The Road to Hell, #2) by Brenda K. Davies (5 stars)
  • Of Beast and Beauty (Daughters of Eville, #1) by Chanda Hahn (4 stars)
  • Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass, #3) by Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
  • 4th of July (Women’s Murder Club, #4) by James Patterson (4 stars)
  • The Zombie Chronicles (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed, #1) by Chrissy Peebles (4 stars)
  • If You Ask Me by Betty White (4 stars)
  • Forever Words: The Unknown Poems by Johnny Cash (3 stars)
  • Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4) by Sarah J. Maas (5 stars)
  • The 5th Horseman (Women’s Murder Club, #5) by James Patterson (5 stars)
  • Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5) by Sarah J. Maas (5 stars)
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2) by J.K. Rowling (5 stars)
  • Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass, #6) by Sarah J. Maas (4 stars)
  • Boot Camp by Todd Strasser (3 stars)
  • Wild Rebel (Dirty Wild, #1) by Laurelin Paige (4 stars)
  • Her Name Was Olivia: A Story of Post Civil War Tennessee by Carol Britt Eason (4 stars)
  • The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune (5 stars)
  • The Boxcar Children (The Boxcar Children, #1) by Gertrude Chandler Warner (5 stars)
  • Race for the Cure (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed, #2) by Chrissy Peebles (3 stars)
  • It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover (4 stars)
  • Surprise Island (The Boxcar Children, #2) Gertrude Chandler Warner (5 stars)
  • The Yellow House Mystery (The Boxcar Children, #3) by Gertrude Chandler Warner (5 stars)
  • Once Burned (Hammond Brothers, #3) by Suzie O’Connell (4 stars)
  • Make Me Burn (Turn Up the Heat, #1) by Marie Harte (4 stars)
  • The 6th Target (Women’s Murder Club, #6) by James Patterson (3 stars)
  • The Billionaire’s Email-Order Date (Email-Order Romance, #1) by Vivi Holt (4 stars)
  • A Firefighter’s Christmas Gift (Holidays in Heart Falls, #1) by Vivian Arend (3 stars)
  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (4 stars)

What was your favorite book that you read in 2022? what’s your reading goal for 2023? I have a goal to read 30 books! But I hope to read more.

December goals

I am a week late in posting my December goals, but better late than never, right? I have made up 5 goals/things I want to focus on this month.


I believe this is my 3rd year doing vlogmas. Last year I did it all the way through, and I plan on it this year as well. While there could be pressure to post 25 days in a roll, at the same time, I don’t feel so much pressure in making sure everything is perfect… Not that I really do with regular content. It’s just my regular day-to-day things with some Christmas things sprinkled in.


CHRISTMAS IS LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY, AND I HAVEN’T BOUGHT ANYONE PRESENTS. I’m panicking just a little bit. I have decided this year to get everyone a small gift just because I have so many to buy, but it’s still the principle of making sure I get everyone’s gifts.


Christmas is probably my favorite time of year. My favorite thing to do is to go see Christmas lights. I also still love to take a picture with Santa if there is an opportunity. I did it for the first time last year or the year before for the first time in years, and it made my day! Sometimes it’s nice to feel like a kid again. This year I hope to make some Christmas cookies and read some romance books based around Christmas time.


I keep failing to get better at blogging, but I am going to keep trying! I’m one of those people who just have a really hard time sitting down and starting something because if I can just start then I can finish it. For instance, I have put off this blog post for a whole week, but now that I’ve finally started it, I am going to post it the same day. My goal for this month is to publish at least 12 blog posts! This one is number one.


I had the goal at the beginning of the year to already be done with this book I want to publish, but I have barely even started it. I’ve restarted it so many times (one of those times this month) so that is why there’s not much progress. I hope now I am at a place that I can continue forward with my writing. I hope to be mostly done with my first draft by my 26th birthday next year (so roughly 9 months).

These are my 5 goals for the month of December. At the end, I will, hopefully, post an update about them. Do you have any goals/things you want to accomplish this month? What are they?

June Goals 2022

  • Read 3 books
  • Blog at least once a week
  • Post on YouTube at least 4 times
  • Write for book consistently
  • Write for Tumblr consistently
  • Get tanner
  • Get out of comfort zone
  • Work on mental health

I have read more books this year and last year than I have read all throughout college. I am so glad to get back into reading. My goal for this month is 3 books. My normal these past few months have been 2 books, but I want to try to push myself. Plus this past month I have been making a plan on how to finish the book I am reading by a certain time. I have a goal this year to read 22 books. I have read 12 books so far so I may extend my reading goal.

I am really wanting to blog more than just my monthly goals and recaps and the books I read each month. I have been really thinking about what more content I want to do – which I will explain in my next blog post. I plan to blog at least once a week.

I may not blog as much as I want to, but for the past year and a half, I have been posting on my YouTube channel a lot more. My goal for this year is to post 24 vlogs before December (as December is for vlogmas). I have posted 10 videos so far this year. I want to try to post once a week, but if not, then at least once every 2 weeks.

I also really find joy in writing, but I do not make enough time for it. I want to write consistently for the book I am writing and some things on Tumblr as well. I have gotten into the habit of at least writing one idea down a day for either one, but I want to be actually writing for both. My main problem is that I don’t want to write bad writing, but I know I need to just write now and edit them later. I keep wanting them to be perfect the first go around.

A random goal that I have for this month is to get tanner. I feel better about the way I look when my skin is a little tanner. I get so white during the winter time. I lose what little tan I get during the summer. I want to try to get more than this summer than ever before. I am going to try to get outside every day in the sun for at least 30 minutes. I have not been consistent with this, especially since I have not been feeling well, but I am going to make more of an effort for the rest of the month.

This month I really want to try to get out of my comfort zone. What I mean by this is if I would rather stay home than go do something – I want to make myself go do the thing. Most of the time when I do this, I end up having a really great time, but sometimes I get so stuck in the comfort of being at home, I don’t want to go out and have fun.

Last but not least, this whole year I have been trying to work on my mental health. Due to my health issues these last few months, it has been rough. This month, however, I plan to journal more, meditate, exercise, be more mindful of my mind and surroundings, and do more things that make me happy. You would think this would all be easy, but sometimes it is hard to do anything.

Do you have any goals for this month? What are they? Tell me in the comments.

May Recap 2022

Hello readers, I hope you have been doing well. I’m slowly trying get that way. Since the beginning of this year — since I got covid in January— I have been having so much trouble with my sinuses/allergies.

I went to the doctor for the 4th (and hopefully last) time this year last week.

But anyway, readers, even though I felt like crap most of this month with an ear infection, I still worked quite a bit and did some fun things too — while accomplishing some of my goals.

I worked a lot in my Pa’s garden this month. We got about 500 plants planted. We also hooked up the water hose as well, which was a lot harder than you would think. I did plenty of squats and didn’t have to worry about doing more at the gym. It was a lot of hard work, but I enjoyed it for the most part until my ear infection flared up. We will have tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers and squash in a couple of months.

At the beginning of this month, I was actually social for the first time in forever. A couple of years ago, I was introduced to the strawberry festival. The strawberry festival is in a small town, and they have food trucks, a fair, and some on some nights – music. I went two nights and had lots of fun. Below are some pictures of my time there. I sadly did not get to experience the music this year, but I still had fun and ate good food nonetheless.

On Memorial Day, my dad’s side of the family had a family reunion. We actually still have these pretty much every year. We have been having them at a state park, and it was more fun than I thought it would be this year. We hiked a little bit (I couldn’t a lot because of my ear infection), and we went on the paddle boats. I got plenty of sun (too much probably, lol). I am really glad I went because I almost didn’t.

Last, but not least, I just wanted to share some of the pictures I took of my animals this month.

How was your month of May, readers? Tell me about it in the comments.

Books I read in April 2022

This month I not only read a couple books (some I am still reading), but I also listened to some audiobooks – which I do count toward my goodreads reading challenge.

The Zombie Chronicles (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed, #1) by Chrissy Peebles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book was definitely for a younger audience, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. I love zombie books and movies. I like that this book revolved around teenagers and young adults instead of the middle-age and up genre. This was interesting enough that I would check out the next book of the series.

If You Ask Me by Betty White ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I absolutely adored listening to this audiobook. It was read by Betty White herself (rip). I really liked learning more about her life.

Forever Words: The Unknown Poems by Johnny Cash ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I listened to this one on audiobook as well. This was something I wish I would have read instead, but it was still an interesting listen. Two poems stuck with me and one was him talking about how he didn’t want to have a movie made about him (unless it told his whole story well) and the other one was a poem called I wish you a merry Christmas. With the second one, it is still with me because the contents of it definitely surprised me. I did not expect it.

2022 TBR

My book goal for this year is 22 books, but I have 26 books on my TBR this year. I have a few more I would like to read that I do not have on this list, but these are the main books I definitely want to plow through this year.

  1. Will by Will Smith
  2. NYPD by James Patterson
  3. Her name was Olivia by Carol Eason
  4. Cell by Stephen King
  5. Hater by David Moody
  6. The Stand by Stephen King
  7. 1984 by George Orwell
  8. Carved by Brenda K. Davies (The Road to Hell, #2)
  9. The Road by Brenda K. Davies (The Road to Hell, #3)
  10. Into Hell by Brenda K. Davies (The Road to Hell, #4)
  11. 4th of July by James Patterson (Women’s Murder Club, #4)
  12. The 5th Horseman by James Patterson (Women’s Murder Club, #5)
  13. The 6th Target by James Patterson (Women’s Murder Club, #6)
  14. Alienation by Jon S. Lewis (C.H.A.O.S, #2)
  15. Domination by Jon S. Lewis (C.H.A.O.S, #3)
  16. Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass, #3)
  17. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass, #4)
  18. Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass, #5)
  19. Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass, #6)
  20. Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass, #7)
  21. A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas (Court of Thorns and Roses, #3)
  22. A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas (Court of Thorns and Roses, #4)
  23. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight, #1)
  24. New Moon by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight, #2)
  25. Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight, #3)
  26. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer (Twilight, #4)

The ones that have a strike through them are the ones I have read so far this year. I do not have as many done as a wish. Here are the ones I have read that are not on the list:

  • Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Stacey Kennedy (Kinky Spurs, #4)
  • Of Beast and Beauty by Chanda Hahn (Daughters of Eville, #1)

Books I’ve read in January and February (2022)

I have made it one of my missions this year to start reading more now than I am out of college, and have somewhat figured out how to structure my life. I posted on my resolutions that I want to read 22 books this. However, right before the new year, I made a list of the books that I want to read this year – most of it consisting of series that I want to finish.

That list consists of 26 books and counting.

While the books on the list are my main focus, I have already ventured off the list and have read 2 others that are not on there. Below are the books that I have read this past January and February.

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Stacey Kennedy ⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book was like one of those hallmark movies. It was a really fast read. Very cheesy.

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have read this book once before, but it had been so long that it was like I was reading it again for the first time. It was kind of cringe in some parts, but I did actually enjoy reading it. I think of this series, I have only read the first two and have not read the others at all. To be honest, the main reason I wanted to read this series this year is so I could read the only in Edward’s point of view. I read a section of it and find it really funny.

Carved by Brenda K. Davies ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is the second book of the Road to Hell series, and I loved it so much. I know there’s quite a bit (but not 50 shades a lot) of sex in these books, but honestly, the best part is just seeing how the characters progress. I love the two main characters, River and Kobal, but I also love the side characters as well. I also really love how the book gives both River and Kobal’s point of view. It lets the reader know why they think and do the things they do.

Of Beast and Beauty by Chanda Hahn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This story is a very loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast. The characters and plot really interested me. I read this book in a day, which having the power go out really pushed me to read more. The whole series (which every book is about a different sister) is about their mother getting revenge of seven kingdoms through the help of her adopted daughters. I will definitely read the rest at some point. The only thing about this book is that the two main characters getting together didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and the ending seemed extremely rushed. This book would have benefited from also having the guy’s point of view because at first he hated his new wife, but it changed somehow. I wish I could have seen that thought process.

2022 New Year Resolutions

For the past few years, I have made a point to make some new year resolutions. Last year, I had quite a few actually – about twelve. I achieved most of them, but not all of them.

This year I decided to shorten my list of resolutions to five in total. Five things that I really want to work on this year. I want this year to be the year I focus on myself and get healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.

Bench 50 lbs and do a normal push up

This past year I started benching for the first time ever. I really enjoy it and while I can’t do much weight, I can tell that I can do more than before. Currently, I can do 20 lbs about 5 times, and by 20 lbs I mean 10 lb weights on either side. My goal is to use 25 lb weights.

As for the push ups, I have yet to be able to do a normal push up with my knees off the ground. My goal is to be able to do them by the end of the year.

Post 22 YouTube videos and 30 blog posts

In 2021, I probably uploaded the most YouTube videos in one year than I ever have. I even finished vlogmas. This year I want to push myself again and try to do 22 YouTube videos before December.

I did not do many blog posts in 2021 – or any year, really. I love writing, but I struggle to keep writing with how busy I get and my attention span in general. I want to try to write one blog a week, but I am also giving myself room to miss a few weeks.

Read 22 books

I barely made my 22 book goal last year, but I am still very proud of myself. Last year is the most I read since my Junior year of high school. In college, I rarely even read what was required for me to read. In another blog post, I am going to list the books I put on my 2022 tbr. So far it’s a total of 26 books, haha.

Write book

For a few months I have been slowly working on a book I have been wanting to write forever. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl, I used to write little short stories and sell them anywhere from a quarter to a dollar. My goal is to finish writing it by the end of the year – if not sooner.

Work on my mental health

My word for the year is self-care. My mental health has been a roller coaster since my freshmen year of high school. I really want to work on myself this year. I am going to do things that make me happy. I am going to do the journaling, face masks, exercise, eating right, drinking water and taking my vitamins. Admittedly, my mental health has been really low here lately. It usually is around the holidays. Here’s a year of healing.