Books I’ve read in January and February (2022)

I have made it one of my missions this year to start reading more now than I am out of college, and have somewhat figured out how to structure my life. I posted on my resolutions that I want to read 22 books this. However, right before the new year, I made a list of the books that I want to read this year – most of it consisting of series that I want to finish.

That list consists of 26 books and counting.

While the books on the list are my main focus, I have already ventured off the list and have read 2 others that are not on there. Below are the books that I have read this past January and February.

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Stacey Kennedy ⭐️⭐️⭐️

This book was like one of those hallmark movies. It was a really fast read. Very cheesy.

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I have read this book once before, but it had been so long that it was like I was reading it again for the first time. It was kind of cringe in some parts, but I did actually enjoy reading it. I think of this series, I have only read the first two and have not read the others at all. To be honest, the main reason I wanted to read this series this year is so I could read the only in Edward’s point of view. I read a section of it and find it really funny.

Carved by Brenda K. Davies ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is the second book of the Road to Hell series, and I loved it so much. I know there’s quite a bit (but not 50 shades a lot) of sex in these books, but honestly, the best part is just seeing how the characters progress. I love the two main characters, River and Kobal, but I also love the side characters as well. I also really love how the book gives both River and Kobal’s point of view. It lets the reader know why they think and do the things they do.

Of Beast and Beauty by Chanda Hahn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This story is a very loose retelling of Beauty and the Beast. The characters and plot really interested me. I read this book in a day, which having the power go out really pushed me to read more. The whole series (which every book is about a different sister) is about their mother getting revenge of seven kingdoms through the help of her adopted daughters. I will definitely read the rest at some point. The only thing about this book is that the two main characters getting together didn’t make a whole lot of sense, and the ending seemed extremely rushed. This book would have benefited from also having the guy’s point of view because at first he hated his new wife, but it changed somehow. I wish I could have seen that thought process.

Books I Read in January 2021

Hello! In the month of January, I read four books. I wrote a small review of each one. I liked most of them, but not all of them. Most of these were mystery books. There may be small spoilers, but no reveals of who the killers were.

The Rooster Bar by John Grisham

At first I thought this book was going to be good, but it got boring really quickly. I was really disappointed in this book because someone who loves John Grisham really hyped up some of his other books. He may have other good books, but in my opinion, this is not one of them.

Truth Be Told by Hank Phillippi Ryan

I really enjoyed this mystery. This is the first time I ever read this author, but I will probably read another one of his when I feel like reading another mystery. I did not see the twists coming in this book which is the whole point. It switched between several different people, but I liked being able to see what each one of them were thinking about different situations.

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

This book was phenomenal. I was interested from the beginning. I have read reviews were the author talks too much about the Marsh, but I think the description of it makes the image playing in my head even better. The book goes from the past to the present – the present having to do with the main character, Kya, being tried for murder. This book had me trying to guess who the murderer was the entire time. It was not until the end that it was ultimately discovered.

1st to Die by James Patterson

This is book one to the Women’s Murder Club series. It was about four women trying to figure out several bride and groom’s killer was. I was so sure it was this one person, but there were many twists to this story. At one point, I was actually getting aggravated because I was not sure who the serial killer was. It was a really good book though. I have heard that a lot of James Patterson books are the same so I will probably space out when I read his books.

Have you read any of these? If so, which ones?

What I Watched in January 2021

I decided that at the end of each month I am going to list everything that I have watched and give a small review of it.

The Seven Deadly Sins

The seven deadly sins is an anime about… the seven deadly sins.. as people. I have not finished it yet, but I have really enjoyed it so far. I get so surprised by how powerful these characters turn out to be. It is hard to choose, but my favorite has to be Ban (the greed sin). I give this a 9/10.

Criminal Minds

I just found out that Criminal Minds seasons 13-15 are on Hulu. As soon as I realized, I started watching them (which was a week ago). As of January 31, I am on the last episode of season 14 with only 10 episodes of season 15. I am not ready for this to be over AT ALL. I know they are more episodes to come (I think), but it’s going to be weird not watching new episodes of Criminal Minds. These past 2 seasons have been crazy (though not Reid going to prison crazy). I give this show a 9/10, and I would have to say that my favorite character at the moment is either Penelope or Luke. One thing I am sad about is that Spencer Reid is not on these seasons much at all. 😦

The Ranch

I am currently rewatching The Ranch. I have not seen all the seasons, but I have forgotten what happens so I decided to start over. I love the actors Ashton Kutcher and Sam Elliott. This is one of those shows I watch when I want a laugh. My mom watched a few episodes with me, and she did not like it so much. She said, “All they do is cuss and drink,” which is not totally inaccurate, but there’ is more to it than just that.

Review: Scotty Sire’s new Album “What’s Going On”

The YouTuber, Scotty Sire, recently released another album. I’ve written about his song “Get Better” before. I think that his music is very relatable. He’s one of the only people I listen to now. His newest album is probably my favorite by far. His new album consist of 10 songs:

  1. Ain’t That Something
  2. Notice Me
  3. Never Satisfied
  4. What’s Going On
  5. Panic Attack
  6. Smile
  7. Funkin’ Fun
  8. Dream Girl
  9. Words
  10. Kids in the Summer

To me, the first six songs are hardcore relatable. I honestly could not tell you which song is my favorite. Most of the songs on this album is about depression and anxiety. For someone who deals with both, it’s nice to be reminded that you are not alone and that others deal with it too.

I’m going to start doing more “Music to Me” blogs, and the first six songs are definitely going to be written about.

I was going to explain what I think the songs are about, but I am just going to wait to talk about the songs in my “Music to Me.”

Movie Review: Men in Black: International

I haven’t been to a movie theater in months, and I am so glad that I decided to go see “Men in Black: International.”

I would 10/10 recommend watching it.

Liam Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson play their parts incredibly. I did not pay attention to Tessa Thompson before, but I am definitely a fan now.

I told one of my friends that the movie had a great balance of action, humor and hotness (Liam Hemsworth).

The little chess piece in the picture was probably my favorite of the whole movie. His little comments had me dying with laughter.

There’s a detail in the movie that I honestly did not guess until they said so toward the end. I’m not going to spoil it for anyone, but I do recommend you to watch it.

Have you seen it yet? If so, what did you think? If you want to discuss it with me, you can send me a dm on twitter @ kyoun42 !

PS4 Game Review: Just Cause 3

I just recently got a PS4 about a week ago as an early birthday present. I received three games, not counting the extra two I got because I am a playstation plus member.

My favorite that I have played so far is Just Cause 3.

If you love games where you kill people and blow things up then this game is definitely for you.

The graphics are great on the PS4. I didn’t realize just how great it was compared to years ago until I played one of my PS1 games. Major difference.

In Just Cause 3, the story is that a guy has taken over pretty much everywhere, and the guy you play is part of the rebels and has to take it back over.

He finds different cities or whatever place it may be, and he has to do certain tasks to take it back over. The list of objects could be to blow up the fuel tank, take over the police station, tear down the statue, etc. After you finish the list you take down the enemies flag, and you put up the rebel flag.

I enjoy going around and blowing things up trying to take back over cities. The guy also has a gadget on him where he’s kind of like Spiderman. I don’t remember exactly what it is, but like Spiderman, he has web-like things coming and helping him move to places. It can even help move other things too. I usually use them to travel faster, climb up mountains, and tear down statues.

You also have a wingsuit (which I don’t really use), and a parachute (which I use a lot).

I would 10/10 recommend Just Cause 3. I also heard that Just Cause 4 is better.

Movie Review: Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

I have never done a movie review, but I think I am going to start. This way I can force myself to sit down and watch movies.


The movie was about the crimes and trial of Ted Bundy.

Overall, I liked the movie. There were good things about it that I love, but there were also things that I wish would be changed.

One problem that I have with the movie is that it seems to glorify Ted Bundy. Zac Efron almost made me believe that Ted Bundy was innocent. It is crazy to think that he kept up the act of saying he was innocent for over a decade.

The way Zac Efron played Ted Bundy was incredible. At the end, it showed clips from the actual trial, and it was incredibly similar.

I also kind of understand why they “glorified” Ted Bundy. During this time, a lot of women were strangely attracted to him. It was said that some even dyed their hair the right kind of brown so that he might be attracted to them. Ted Bundy was extremely charismatic, and this was how he lured women to their death.

In the movie, they showed that side of him. The side that all the women liked. I wish they would have shown the evil side of him more. The movie did not justify how bad of a person he was.

Have you seen the movie? What did you think?