May Recap 2022

Hello readers, I hope you have been doing well. I’m slowly trying get that way. Since the beginning of this year — since I got covid in January— I have been having so much trouble with my sinuses/allergies.

I went to the doctor for the 4th (and hopefully last) time this year last week.

But anyway, readers, even though I felt like crap most of this month with an ear infection, I still worked quite a bit and did some fun things too — while accomplishing some of my goals.

I worked a lot in my Pa’s garden this month. We got about 500 plants planted. We also hooked up the water hose as well, which was a lot harder than you would think. I did plenty of squats and didn’t have to worry about doing more at the gym. It was a lot of hard work, but I enjoyed it for the most part until my ear infection flared up. We will have tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers and squash in a couple of months.

At the beginning of this month, I was actually social for the first time in forever. A couple of years ago, I was introduced to the strawberry festival. The strawberry festival is in a small town, and they have food trucks, a fair, and some on some nights – music. I went two nights and had lots of fun. Below are some pictures of my time there. I sadly did not get to experience the music this year, but I still had fun and ate good food nonetheless.

On Memorial Day, my dad’s side of the family had a family reunion. We actually still have these pretty much every year. We have been having them at a state park, and it was more fun than I thought it would be this year. We hiked a little bit (I couldn’t a lot because of my ear infection), and we went on the paddle boats. I got plenty of sun (too much probably, lol). I am really glad I went because I almost didn’t.

Last, but not least, I just wanted to share some of the pictures I took of my animals this month.

How was your month of May, readers? Tell me about it in the comments.