Spring 2024: Bucket List

We are more than a month into Spring, but I am just now making a list of things I want to do this Spring! Spring ends on June 20 so I hope I have enough time to do everything I want to.

  • Go hiking
  • Go to a farmers market
  • Fly a kite
  • Plant garden
  • Go to a baseball game
  • Watch people fish while I read
  • Go to McKay’s
  • Have a friend’s day
  • Try firehouse subs
  • Visit my old college town
  • Go to Discovery Park of America
  • Go bowling
  • Try a new drink
  • Complete a challenge
  • Declutter
  • Make photo album

This may seem like a bunch of random things put together… because it is LOL. These are all the things I want to do this Spring though. I hope I have the time! What are some of the things you want to before Spring is over?

New Year Resolutions

My 2024 has started out with me being sick. For the past three weeks, I have not felt like being productive at all. I am normally on top of making my new year resolutions and starting to implement them to my life already. I am eleven days behind, but I am ready to start the new year.

The main New Years Resolution that I have that I want to focus on this year is to be more creative, and to have fun with it. I enjoy blogging and YouTube, but I feel as though I somehow make it into a chore. My goal is to do those things and have fun doing them.

I want to post on YouTube at least twice a month, and post on my blog twice a month as well. I hope at some point I can do both once a week, but I know if I make that my goal right now I would fail. I also really want to work on a book that I have been trying to write. I do want to do that once a week, if not more.

Onto another goal I have, toward the end of 2023, I really slacked off on going to the gym. I was busy, and honestly, I didn’t want to make the drive to the gym. The whole thing takes up a bit of time. I am going to start getting back into the gym, and even start doing more cardio and yoga on top of my strength training. I will be working out three to four times a week. I know when I am working out consistently I feel so much better than the way that I am feeling right now.

Lastly, one of my main goals is my reading goal. In 2023, I made a reading goal of 30 books, and I exceeded that goal during the summer so I extended it to 50 books. I ended up hitting my 50 books goal on Christmas Eve. I want to challenge myself this year so I made my reading goal to be 50 books. I haven’t made as much time lately to read so I really want to make more time for it like I did the first six months of last year. I’ve already compiled a list of books I want to read this year that I may share on here later.

These are my main goals for 2024. Do you have any new year resolutions? What are they, and how are you going to reach them?

December goals

I am a week late in posting my December goals, but better late than never, right? I have made up 5 goals/things I want to focus on this month.


I believe this is my 3rd year doing vlogmas. Last year I did it all the way through, and I plan on it this year as well. While there could be pressure to post 25 days in a roll, at the same time, I don’t feel so much pressure in making sure everything is perfect… Not that I really do with regular content. It’s just my regular day-to-day things with some Christmas things sprinkled in.


CHRISTMAS IS LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY, AND I HAVEN’T BOUGHT ANYONE PRESENTS. I’m panicking just a little bit. I have decided this year to get everyone a small gift just because I have so many to buy, but it’s still the principle of making sure I get everyone’s gifts.


Christmas is probably my favorite time of year. My favorite thing to do is to go see Christmas lights. I also still love to take a picture with Santa if there is an opportunity. I did it for the first time last year or the year before for the first time in years, and it made my day! Sometimes it’s nice to feel like a kid again. This year I hope to make some Christmas cookies and read some romance books based around Christmas time.


I keep failing to get better at blogging, but I am going to keep trying! I’m one of those people who just have a really hard time sitting down and starting something because if I can just start then I can finish it. For instance, I have put off this blog post for a whole week, but now that I’ve finally started it, I am going to post it the same day. My goal for this month is to publish at least 12 blog posts! This one is number one.


I had the goal at the beginning of the year to already be done with this book I want to publish, but I have barely even started it. I’ve restarted it so many times (one of those times this month) so that is why there’s not much progress. I hope now I am at a place that I can continue forward with my writing. I hope to be mostly done with my first draft by my 26th birthday next year (so roughly 9 months).

These are my 5 goals for the month of December. At the end, I will, hopefully, post an update about them. Do you have any goals/things you want to accomplish this month? What are they?

2022 New Year Resolutions

For the past few years, I have made a point to make some new year resolutions. Last year, I had quite a few actually – about twelve. I achieved most of them, but not all of them.

This year I decided to shorten my list of resolutions to five in total. Five things that I really want to work on this year. I want this year to be the year I focus on myself and get healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.

Bench 50 lbs and do a normal push up

This past year I started benching for the first time ever. I really enjoy it and while I can’t do much weight, I can tell that I can do more than before. Currently, I can do 20 lbs about 5 times, and by 20 lbs I mean 10 lb weights on either side. My goal is to use 25 lb weights.

As for the push ups, I have yet to be able to do a normal push up with my knees off the ground. My goal is to be able to do them by the end of the year.

Post 22 YouTube videos and 30 blog posts

In 2021, I probably uploaded the most YouTube videos in one year than I ever have. I even finished vlogmas. This year I want to push myself again and try to do 22 YouTube videos before December.

I did not do many blog posts in 2021 – or any year, really. I love writing, but I struggle to keep writing with how busy I get and my attention span in general. I want to try to write one blog a week, but I am also giving myself room to miss a few weeks.

Read 22 books

I barely made my 22 book goal last year, but I am still very proud of myself. Last year is the most I read since my Junior year of high school. In college, I rarely even read what was required for me to read. In another blog post, I am going to list the books I put on my 2022 tbr. So far it’s a total of 26 books, haha.

Write book

For a few months I have been slowly working on a book I have been wanting to write forever. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl, I used to write little short stories and sell them anywhere from a quarter to a dollar. My goal is to finish writing it by the end of the year – if not sooner.

Work on my mental health

My word for the year is self-care. My mental health has been a roller coaster since my freshmen year of high school. I really want to work on myself this year. I am going to do things that make me happy. I am going to do the journaling, face masks, exercise, eating right, drinking water and taking my vitamins. Admittedly, my mental health has been really low here lately. It usually is around the holidays. Here’s a year of healing.

Spring bucket list

I am definitely late to post my spring bucket list, but I decided to post it anyway because we have more than a month left!

  • Try a new coffee shop
  • Try Dunkin Donuts
  • Renew my car tags
  • Go hiking
  • Go to strawberry festival
  • Try a new restaurant
  • Start doing meditation/affirmations more regularly
  • Go on a trip
  • Grow flowers
  • Work on book
  • Buy something for myself
  • Finish reading 4 books

Summer Bucket List 2020

Lists help me feel more put together than I actually am. I made a summer bucket list, which just consists of things that I want to do before summer is up this year.

Summer 2020 (June 20 – September 22)

  • Have character backgrounds of characters in my book
  • Volunteer more
  • Go hiking
  • Go paddle boating and/or kayaking
  • Save $1500
  • Go on vacation
  • Send people letters
  • Be active on WordPress, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok
  • Stream on Twitch
  • Finish watching ‘The Originals’
  • Read 3 books
  • Get really tan
  • Be consistent with working out
  • Look in the mirror once a day and say 3-5 things I like about myself
  • Listen to/read self-help
  • Ask for help
  • Celebrate the 4th of July
  • Declutter

2020 New Year Resolutions

Hello everyone! I hope you have all had a great year so far! This year I am really putting a challenge on myself to become a better and happier person. I wrote out a whole list of New Year Resolutions that I want to complete this 2020. I actually put them in a notebook and am logging the things I get done. What I mean by this is, for example, I want to workout at least three times a week. To keep myself motivated, I created a ‘workout log’ in a notebook so I will more likely hold myself accountable each week. Here are some more resolutions (and how I keep up with it):

1Self-care to help your mental health – I wrote a list of things I can do that could help my mental health. For example, workout, dance, hot shower, face mask, ect.

2. Be a better friend and family member – I wrote out ways I could do this.

3. Read at least x books in 2020 – When I read a book, I write the title, author and the date I finished reading it.

4. Save money (goal: $5,000) – I write out the date I deposit money, the amount deposited and the total amount saved in 2020.

5. Workout log (goal: 3 times a week) – I have writen ‘week x (month date – month date), and then under it have the day, how long I worked out and what kind of workout.

6. Podcasts (goal: watch 2 a month) – I write the podcast name, the author and the date listened.

7. Trying new things (at least 4 a month) – I write down the new thing I tried, the date I tried it and a note about if I liked it or not.

8. Learn how to cook – I list the things I have cooked and when I cooked it.

9. Youtube ideas – I have a list of ideas for my youtube channel.

10. Blog ideas – I have a list of ideas for my blog.

11. How to be more extroverted.confident – I have a list on things to achieve this.

These are the New Year Resolutions that I have for this year. What are your New Year Resolutions? Do you have any suggestions on what else I can do to have a happy 2020?

Thanksgiving Break To-Do List

Hello everyone! I am finally on break for Thanksgiving, and I am so happy about it. I finally get a bit of a break to see family and relax. Well, kind of relax. I will still have to do work, but I have all weekend to do it. Plus, I might actually enjoy the work I have to do.

Anyway, I decided to upload a Thanksgiving break to-do list. At the end of break, I’ll follow up with what I did.

  • Get my nails done
    • I am actually going to do this today. I should have probably waited because I don’t really need to spend money right now, but I’m doing it anyway.
  • Vlog my break
    • I hope to vlog my break. I am trying to get back into youtube again.
  • Practice cooking
    • I have been wanting to learn how to cook for a while now. I can follow directions. I just have to build up the motivation to actually do it. I don’t think my family has any plans for Thanksgiving so I was thinking about having my grandpa and I cook something.
  • Volunteer at the local animal shelter
    • This is a big maybe, but I really do want to. I just don’t know if I will have time. Plus, I plan on going with my friend so our schedules need to line up.
  • Work at the restaurant as much as they will let me
    • I need the money, lol.
  • Powerpoint for Comm Law and Ethics
    • I kind of dread this, but at the same time, I don’t think it will be hard to do. The hardest part is always starting it.
  • Meditation homework
    • I actually forgot about this, and I hope my printer will work or else I won’t be able to do this homework until I get back to school.
  • Prepare for interview!!
    • I hope when I come back from break I will have an interview for this internship I want next semester. I need to prepare for my first real interview ever.


Fall Bucket List [2019]

Happy fall!

I can’t believe it is already fall. It should still be the beginning of summer! Honestly, I am not ready for fall weather. I don’t like cold weather, but I made a bucket list in hopes of making the best of it.

Fall: September 23 – December 21

  • Carve a pumpkin
  • Practice ‘halloween’ makeup
  • Drink pumpkin spice coffee
  • Watch at least 2 halloween movies
  • Have a bonfire
  • Go to homecoming football game
  • Consistent with working out / meditation
  • Go hiking at least once
  • Post at least 4 YouTube videos
  • Journal at least twice a week
  • Finish watching “The Originals”
  • Try something new (coffee, restaurant, food)
  • Read at least 2 books
  • Post on WordPress at least once a week
  • Watch at least 2 Christmas movies
  • Have Thanksgiving with my family
  • Do Christmas shopping
  • Get rid of clothes I don’t wear so I’ll have room for new clothes

After fall season is over, I am going to post the end result of how many of these I got done. Hopefully all of these will be crossed out!

Goals for July 2019

Last month I only finished about half of goals that I wanted to do. This month I’m going to start making a calendar of when I am doing to do things. This way I will be more motivated to get things done.

Here’s a list of the goals I have for July:

  • See fireworks
  • Post on Twitter at least once a day
  • Post on Instagram once a week
  • Post on tik Tok at least every other day
  • Do at least 6 hours of community service at the animal shelter
  • Post 2 Youtube videos
  • work work work work
  • see a baseball game
  • Go camping
  • Go hiking
  • Get tanner
  • Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
  • Post on Tumblr once a week (at least)
  • Clean room (and try to keep it clean)
  • Learn how to cook basics (if you have any easy recipes please send them to me)

Do you have goals for July? What are they?

Goals for June 2019

Sadly, I did not do everything I wanted to last month, but hopefully this month will be better. I’m going to work hard to volunteer and post on YouTube this month.

  1. Go to the gym at least three times a week
    • I am confident that I’ll have this goal down because we (me and Tawnie) have been doing pretty good so far. We typically get up at 5 am, and we get to the gym by 6-6:30. We both like going to the gym earlier instead of later. It makes it feel like you have more time in the day to do other things.
  2. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice
    • I did not volunteer at all last month, but I’ve discussed it with Tawnie, and we might go by and volunteer after we leave the gym. I’m really excited to do this because volunteering at the animal shelter makes me really happy.
  3. Post on WordPress at least twice a week
    • I’ve been pretty good about posting. I’m going to try to get a tad bit better about it though. I haven’t post much here lately because I’ve been using my wifi to download some games on my new PS4.
  4. Post at least two YouTube videos
    • I tend to neglect my youtube channel. What kind of stuff do you like to watch on youtube – vlog wise. Maybe reviews, mukbangs, advice, etc. If you want any advice just let me know!
  5. work work work work work
    • I’ve been working so much it’s better to ask when I don’t work. But honestly even then I probably couldn’t tell you because I get called in last minute… No one else seems to want to work.
  6. Plan a vacation
    • I was going to plan a trip to Panama City Beach, Florida, but it’s gong to cost way too much, and I do not have a lot of friends that could go. I’m thinking about going to The Smokey Mountains instead. It’s been a while since I’ve been, and I would love to go there with some friends.
  7. Go on a hike with friends
    • I love hiking with friends! I think I’m actually going this weekend. There are a lot of parks around where I live with hiking trails.

Here are seven goals I hope to complete this June. Do you have any goals for June? What are they?

Goals for May 2019

These goals are mainly for my benefit because it is easier for me to get things done if I have them written out. With that being said, down below are the things I hope to do in May of 2019.

  1. Volunteer at the animal shelter at least twice.
    • I love volunteering at this local animal shelter with my friends. At the time of day we go, we usually finish walking what ever dogs have not been walked yet. Then we clean what ever it is that they want us to clean.
  2. Plant the flower seeds I got.
    • I love planting seeds, but I honestly have a hard time keeping them alive. I don’t have a green thumb when it comes to my own plants. I do help my grandpa with his gardening though. He grows lots of watermelons, cantaloupes, and tomatoes. We sell them all summer.
  3. Post on WordPress at least twice a week.
    • I’m hoping that I am able to stay consistent this time. A year ago, it was hard to decide what I wanted to write about, but now that I’ve decided to go with what ever is on my mind – whether it be a story, a recipe, or something like this – I’m going to go with it.
  4. Post on Tumblr at least once a week.
    • I like to write fan fiction and post it on Tumblr.
  5. Go to two festivals – Strawberry and Folk festival.
    • I went to the Strawberry festival a few days ago, but the Folk festival is next week. I’m really excited to go because there’s going to be music, crafts, and old cars.
  6. Post at least 2 YouTube Videos.
    • The only problem I have with posting YouTube videos is that I have to be really motivated and happy, but here lately I haven’t been that so I have been struggling to make content.
  7. Start working out again – 3 times a week.
    • I’ve been neglecting working out. This is probably part of the reason why I haven’t been motivated to make YouTube videos. I’m hoping to start running and lifting weights again.
  8. Work work work work work.
    • I have to pay for some schooling next school year so I need to work as much as I can. On top of that, I have to pay for groceries, books, and what ever necessities that I have.

These are eight goals I hope to accomplish this month! Do you have any goals for this month? If so, comment them down below! 🙂

Goals for June 2018


Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I have posted anything! Oops! School has been so hectic and I got lazy, but here I am again. I can’t believe it’s already June. To try and get my things a bit more organized, I wrote done some things that I want to do in June!

1. Write part 1 for “Flower Shop Girl”

I’ve started writing a book (one of many that I’ve started, lol) and I’m kind of excited for this. There’s probably not going to be too many parts, but I think it’ll still be cute. I’ll have it on my Tumblr so I’ll link my Tumblr profile at the bottom!

2. Give friend driving lessons

One of my friends is 19 and she doesn’t know how to drive so I told her that I’d teach her.

3. Start YouTube videos again!

I’ve been severely neglecting my YouTube channel. I’ll hoping be shooting a video today though! I’ll leave my personal channel and my joint account I have with my best friend at the bottom.

4. Get sea shells from Shell Island

In a few weeks I’m going to the beach with my dad, stepmom, and little brother! I love sea shells. 🙂

5. Catch ’em all – Pokemon Go

When this first came out I played it A LOT, but after a while everyone pretty much stopped. My guy best friend and I just recently started playing a lot again.

6. Tan

I feel better when I’m tan than when I’m white as a ghost. I’m happy with how my progress with it has been.

7. Read at least 2 books

I used to read all the time, but so much goes on that I don’t make myself have time for it. I’m about halfway done with one book though so I know I’ll be about to read another one before June is over with.

8. Be healthy

I’m going to try to start drinking a lot more water (I’ve already pretty much cut out sodas). I’m also going to start running again and cleaning my face more.



Personal YouTube

Coffee Talk with Kendyll and Kelli



Goals for November 2017

Hello everyone! I can’t believe that the year is almost over! It’s like it was just yesterday I was enjoying my summer break. I’ve decided that at the beginning of each month I’m going to start doing goals for the month. Down below are my goals for November 2017.

1. Do 6 hours of community service for Sociology class.

2. Have Thanksgiving with my family.

3. Start Coffee Talk with best friend on YouTube.

4. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.

5. Be more outgoing.

6. Make more friends.

7. Keep up with my school work.

8. Post a blog at least 2 times a week.

9. Take more photogenic photos. (Instagram: @ kyoun42)

10. Continuously do random acts of kindness.