Fitness Journey Update

It has been a long time since I have updated my fitness journey even though I had said I would a few weeks after the last one. My bad.

I am proud to say that I am still consistently going to the gym every week. I have typically been going 4 times a week.

I used to do a little bit of everything, but for the past few months, I have been breaking up my days. Here’s how it typically goes:

Monday: Back and Bicep, Shoulders, Cardio

Tuesday: Chest and Tricep, Cardio

Wednesday: Legs, Core, Cardio

Saturday: Core, Cardio

Here lately, I have also been trying to do some Ab workouts every day as well, not just doing them on Saturdays. I have been really want to strengthen my core.

I am at the point in my fitness journey where not only can I feel and see a difference in my body, but other people can as well. My best friend often points out my progress when watching my YouTube videos. That makes me feel really good inside.

On another note, I am lucky enough to have gained a few friends at the gym. They are all older than me but still. It has gotten to where sometimes I do my own thing at the gym, but more often than not, I have been joining in on someone else’s workout routine for the day. Thank you Lisa and Glenn.

Everyone I speak to at the gym have been going there way longer than I have, and so I am always appreciative when they help me out with something. They are very helpful with correcting my form and showing me new workouts.

I have been trying new things here lately, such as different workouts using the cables. I have also been benching more. I do just the bar more often than anything. I try to do at least 30 reps. I will then put 5 lb on each side. I can do those for 10 reps; 2 sets. I try to do 10 lbs on each side, but I can usually do a max of 5 reps.

It’s progress and that is all that matters.

Consistency is key | My Fitness Journey

I am extremely proud of myself. I have been consistent with working out these past few months. I have been working out at least three days a week – usually more.

What usually happens is I will go to the gym for about a month, but then I lose motivation to keep going. It’s crazy what kind of excuses I could come up with. This would especially happen if I didn’t have someone to go with me to keep me held accountable.

I am proud to say that this is not the case now. These past few months I have been going to the gym regularly. More often than not, I have even been going to the gym alone. I actually love going to the gym by myself now. I feel more focused. (Still love it when you go though, Tawnie).

This time around, I have focused on doing more strength workouts than anything else. I have noticed I have gained some muscle in the past few months.

My routine at the gym is 10-20 minutes of the elliptical to warm up then I do arms, legs, abs, and shoulders. I try to do some of each, although I typically try to focus more on one each day. I do less legs than the other ones because I have knee problems so those have to be done a little at a time. There are also days I sometimes just focus on cardio.

July 15, 2020

Above is a comparison photo from February 3rd to July 15th of this year. I am happy to notice that there is a physical chance in the photos. As you can see my arms and stomach are a little more defined. I have also noticed a difference in my back and butt too.

One thing I have been struggling with is food intake. I know I am not getting enough or the right macros, but I am trying to change that. Starting today I am going to be tracking my macro intake via the app “Mike’s Macros,” which was recommended by bodybyryanfitness on Instagram.

I am going to try to plan my meals more accordingly in order to get enough protein and other things that I need. I am still trying to figure everything out.

I will try to come back with an update in a few weeks. Remember, consistency is key.

Do you have any advice for me on my food intake, or even advice for muscle gain?


I Started At-Home Workouts

At the end of May, my best friend and I started going to a local gym. We typically went at least five days a week. While I may have worked my arms and my abs – I think that was it. I feel like I didn’t push myself hard enough. I did the same things every time I went.

I’m not saying gyms aren’t good. I go to my school’s gym, and I probably feel more at home there because most people around me are my age. There are also a ton of fun, free classes at the gym at my school.

For a few weeks, I stopped working out completely. I barely had any motivation going to the gym so you could forget about me doing my own at-home workouts.

However, one of my friends is a coach on Beachbody. (It’s this great workout program that you should checkout.) I don’t know if it is required or not, but she has been posting about her workouts every single day. She’s talked about how good it has made her feel. It sparked my interest.

What drew me in completely to start working out again was when she talked about the preworkout she used – Beachbody Performance Energize.

The main reason I don’t workout like I want to is because I don’t have the energy to do so. As soon as she talked about it, I knew that I needed to try it.

I got it in the mail, and I love it! I have worked out for three days straight so far.

It may not seem like much, but I already feel better mentally. I’ve also been more productive. When I didn’t have to work, I usually didn’t want to do ANYTHING. Now I do my own random workouts. I’ll do some outside, but I’ll also play music inside and dance/workout. I’ll even get things done afterward that I’ve wanted to do.

I know when I’m sweaty, but happy I’ve had a good workout.

Here’s pictures of my day 2 & 3:


I’ll post more on my overall progress in a few weeks or so. I will be posting my every day progress on my instagram @ kyoun42

My Fitness Journey Begins

I have been putting off getting in shape for a very long time. I used to go to the gym at my school regularly, but this whole year I have made some excuse as to why I shouldn’t go. (Most of the time it was because I was “too tired.”)

I’m back home, and I’ve finally talked myself into joining a gym (with my friend) for the summer.

Today was my first day, and I am kind of proud of myself! I wanted to blog about it so I could stay motived to keep working out and growing stronger. I might do a progress on how I look and feel every 1-2 weeks.

I also want advice. What workouts should I do to improve upper body strength? I’m also walking/jogging/running because I want to be able to do a marathon one day.

Can someone help me out with a workout plan?

I’m going to post pictures down below of what I look like now. (I know I have a dirty mirror, but it’s my mom’s mirror, and I am too lazy to clean it.)

Day 1: