Save the Planet

I went to one of the local lakes in my town with a friend of mine. We had an amazing time even though I am not really fond of swimming (especially in lakes).

As we were swimming, however, we noticed something around us.


The litter at the lake wasn’t a bad as some of the pictures I’ve seen of some, but it all starts with one piece.

People littering is one of the things that irritate me the most. My friend, Tawnie, and I decided to pick up all the trash in the water we could find. We even swam pretty deep to get reach a bottle. We also picked up a lot of paper on the way to the trashcan.

It’s insane how much litter is on the ground EVERYWHERE.

With that being said, I have a challenge for you.

When you walk by a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away.

Also, throw away your piece of gum in a trashcan instead of throwing it on the ground. A bird can eat it and die from it by choking.

Let’s come together and save the planet. We have to live on it for many years to come.

“I love you.”

“I love you” is something that is said automatically where I live. After ending a phone call or leaving to go somewhere, “I love you” is always said to a loved one. “Ok, I have to go. Bye, I love you.” *hangs up*

The problem with this is that I am not one to tell how I feel verbally. I feel awkward telling the people I love “I love you.” As soon as someone tells me, I get an anxious feeling in me, and I try to leave or hang up as soon as possible.

But that does not mean that I do not love them.

I show love differently.

I show love in the way I am there when they call me last minute asking for a favor. I show love in the way I smile at them. I show love in the way I put down my phone so I can listen to what they have to say.

I usually show love in actions instead of words.

It does not mean that I do not love someone any less just because it’s hard for me to sometimes tell them how I feel.

I believe as long as someone shows that they love someone – the words shouldn’t matter.

“Actions speak louder than words.”

Mark Twain

5 Pet Peeves

I think everyone in the world has some type of pet peeve. I, personally, actually have quite a few, but I thought for a bit and choose 5 of my biggest pet peeves.

1.  Noisy eaters

I just cannot stand people chewing loudly. I understand some food is just really loud to chew, but I know some people that chew with their mouth open and make that annoying smacking sound. It’s gross. Please stop.

2. Someone interrupts me

I say when someone interrupts me, but really just when someone interrupts anyone. I know that it accidentally happens all the time because there have been plenty of times when I’ll excitedly remember something and it’ll just come out of my mouth. The kind of interrupting I’m talking about is when it seems like someone just won’t let me talk. I used to just shut up and let them talk but now I’ll stare at them and say “Hello, I was talking.” …. I’ve gotten to where I can speak my mind more.

3. Drivers

Honestly, I was just going to put “When drivers don’t use their turning signal,” but honestly “drivers” fit it better. I HATE driving. I always have. But other people’s driving annoy me even more (well, when I’m driving). I have severe road rage against people who don’t use their blinkers, people not paying enough attention, those who drive too slow, those who drive too fast.. pretty much those who exist. I know I’m not the best driver, but I at least know how a blinker works.

4. Littering

I can’t stand to litter. I love the earth. I’m going to have to have to live on it for hopefully at least 50 more years and I want it to be as clean as possible. I don’t even through my gum out the window anymore. I once saw this article where a bird can come and eat that gum and choke and die. I don’t want any birds dying so I try not to litter at all. I beg you not to litter either.

5. Cursing around children

This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I cringe so much when someone curses a lot around children. I am always getting onto my friends when they curse around kids. I also cringe when someone curses around people that don’t like cursing. I try to be respectful.

Please be respectful.

5 Ways to Win My Heart

I have taken a 30 day writing journal challenge and there’s some of them that I would like to post on here. This is day 1 of 30. The picture below is of the rest of the days in case you want to participate.

1. Pay Attention

  • Honestly just pay attention to the things I say. I love when people remember some of the little things I say. I think it shows how the person cares.

2. Make me laugh

  • The way to my heart is being able to make me laugh. If a guy can’t make me laugh then it’s a no go because I seriously laugh all the time.

3. Encourage me

  • I need someone to motivate me to be the best I can be. Someone that would be willing to push me to be a better person.

4. Thoughtful gestures

  • I don’t need expensive things. If you got me my favorite coffee without me asking, it would probably melt my heart.

5. Be willing to take it slow

  • I know a lot of people want a relationship to go fast nowadays but I’m not one of those people. I’ve never been one to go fast in a relationship. If a guy tries to speed things up then I’m more likely to walk away. I wish I was born back when dating was way different.

Things You Need To Stop Doing

You probably do a lot of things that you don’t need to be doing and maybe you need a reminder of it.

1. Stop thinking you’re not good enough

  • You ARE good enough! Whoever told you weren’t good enough don’t know what they’re talking about. You can do anything you put your mind to.

2. Stop procrastinating 

  • I am the WORST (or is it the best?) at procrastinating. There has been so many times that I will put something off until I just absolutely have to do it. There have been so many test I could have probably made a 100 on if I would have studied before the day of the exam. So stop procrastinating and I promise it’ll make you feel better about yourself.

3. Stop letting yourself get too stressed

  • I used to have the bad habit of letting everything get built upon my shoulders and the heaviness would weigh me down. Don’t let that happen! Do something that helps the stress go away (that’s healthy of course!) Some of the things that I do is I may just be around people who I enjoy being with and I laugh a lot with. I also love to do yoga and workout at the gym too. Them two really help me with the stress I have at school.

4. Stop making excuses for others and yourself

  • There is no excuse! If a person is acting a way they shouldn’t be or treating you a way they shouldn’t be; don’t make up excuses for them! It is what it is and there is no excuse for it. Also, stop making excuses for yourself. Don’t try to find an excuse to not do something you need to do. Just do it.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others

  • You are your own person. No one is the same so don’t try to compare yourself to someone else.

6. Stop saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’

  • Don’t agree to something just because someone wants you to! If you don’t want to do something then say NO. If they keep trying to pressure you into say yes, keep your ground. Don’t let anyone push you around.

7. Stop giving your time and energy to people who don’t respect you

  • I have an ex-boyfriend that I was on and off with for years. I gave so much time to this one person and they didn’t even respect me! If someone doesn’t respect you, don’t waste the limited time you have in life on them. Once you let a toxic person go, you’ll eventually find someone that is good for you; whether it be a friend or a lover.

8. Stop letting yourself live in the past

  • Everyone makes mistakes. Let go of what happened in your past and move toward the future.