Weekend Wrap-Up #3

This past week was quite rough overall.

  • I burned myself at work on Tuesday. I was picking up a pan of corn when the juices sloshed over and burned my hand. It is 5 days later and I still have a mark on my wrist. After using petroleum jelly it does not sting anymore, but today it has been itching. I don’t think it will scar any, but not 100% positive it won’t leave a little something.
  • On Wednesday, my Pa had to go to the hospital. Scared me to death. He’s doing ok now. Also, I still hate hospitals. And elevators.
  • On Friday, I started my re-read of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I can’t tell you how many times I have read the books 1-4. After just re-reading the first part of this book, I can already tell you that I do not agree with Dumbledore having Harry stay with the Dursley’s after knowing how they abuse him. I know staying there was supposed to keep him safe, but he should have found another way instead of letting them starve him and bully him.
  • I’ve made a cleaning list that I want to try to do daily. I am going to try to implement this list this coming up week. I came up with this after my friend and I were talking about how we have to clean on our days off and it is almost a whole day ordeal. With having a cleaning list, it’s a clean after yourself everyday kind of thing.
  • Saturday I woke up and went to my Pa’s house to eat chocolate gravy and drink coffee with several members of family. My Pa insisted on still making my plate and fixing my coffee. I let him because he wasn’t having to lift anything over 3 pounds.
  • Today (Sunday) at work was so crazy busy. Sunday is our busiest day, but we haven’t been this busy since pre-covid. Pre-covid, we used to be as busy as we were today every Sunday. At that time, we also had a couple more workers. We made it though.

I think this coming up week is going to be a little nerve-wracking as Tennessee is supposed to be getting some tornadoes. Storms make me extremely anxious.

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