Life Update: health issues, feeling unmotivated

I feel like every time I post on here I talk about how crazy my life has been. How unmotivated I have been.

So here’s another one.

My life has been crazy, and I have been super unmotivated.

Since the last few months of last year, I feel like I have not gotten a break.

It all started when I hit my right elbow really hard. I had hit a nerve and the pain was so bad that (after working on it an entire week), I had to take an entire week off in order for it to begin to heal.

Then not long after it healed, I started having these episodes of dizziness, shakiness, nausea, and extreme dry mouth. I endured it for a whole month. It wouldn’t be a constant feeling, but I would feel that way at least once a day for anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour.

After a month of having these episodes, I finally went to the doctor and got a blood test. It turned out that I had low vitamin D. Since I started taking these pills for it, I have not had those episodes again. Thank goodness.

However, the second week of January I got covid for the first time since this all began. The only thing that really bothered me was the sinus pressure, which is something I still have a little trouble with even a month later. Thankfully, I never lost my taste or smell, but the pressure in my head made me very unsteady. I ended up taking off work for two weeks instead of one, and still was having trouble the week I did go back.

It was not until the first week of February that I have started to feel like myself again. During this whole past month, I have not felt like doing anything – which is why it’s been about a month since I have posted.

I hope to be productive moving forward. I am trying my best to stay healthy (I’ve been popping vitamins like candy).

I am going to try to post every Wednesday, if not more, but Wednesday’s for sure.

I hope a lot of (good) things will be happening in the next few months.

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