2022 New Year Resolutions

For the past few years, I have made a point to make some new year resolutions. Last year, I had quite a few actually – about twelve. I achieved most of them, but not all of them.

This year I decided to shorten my list of resolutions to five in total. Five things that I really want to work on this year. I want this year to be the year I focus on myself and get healthy mentally, physically and spiritually.

Bench 50 lbs and do a normal push up

This past year I started benching for the first time ever. I really enjoy it and while I can’t do much weight, I can tell that I can do more than before. Currently, I can do 20 lbs about 5 times, and by 20 lbs I mean 10 lb weights on either side. My goal is to use 25 lb weights.

As for the push ups, I have yet to be able to do a normal push up with my knees off the ground. My goal is to be able to do them by the end of the year.

Post 22 YouTube videos and 30 blog posts

In 2021, I probably uploaded the most YouTube videos in one year than I ever have. I even finished vlogmas. This year I want to push myself again and try to do 22 YouTube videos before December.

I did not do many blog posts in 2021 – or any year, really. I love writing, but I struggle to keep writing with how busy I get and my attention span in general. I want to try to write one blog a week, but I am also giving myself room to miss a few weeks.

Read 22 books

I barely made my 22 book goal last year, but I am still very proud of myself. Last year is the most I read since my Junior year of high school. In college, I rarely even read what was required for me to read. In another blog post, I am going to list the books I put on my 2022 tbr. So far it’s a total of 26 books, haha.

Write book

For a few months I have been slowly working on a book I have been wanting to write forever. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. When I was a little girl, I used to write little short stories and sell them anywhere from a quarter to a dollar. My goal is to finish writing it by the end of the year – if not sooner.

Work on my mental health

My word for the year is self-care. My mental health has been a roller coaster since my freshmen year of high school. I really want to work on myself this year. I am going to do things that make me happy. I am going to do the journaling, face masks, exercise, eating right, drinking water and taking my vitamins. Admittedly, my mental health has been really low here lately. It usually is around the holidays. Here’s a year of healing.

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