December recap

My December started out with my Spotify wrap. Apparently parents by YUNGBLUD was my top song of the year, which is honestly a mood. I thought that my Spotify wrap was pretty accurate, although I became obsessed with some songs in November and December that were not on my top 100 and they probably should have been.

I AM WOMAN by Emmy Meli has probably been my favorite powerful song here lately. This is the first song I put on when I have a singing/dance session. It definitely helps lift my spirits when I feel down.

December 6, 2021

I have gotten into the routine where I go to this coffee shop at least once a week to try and get a start on some work that I want to do. I think the employees expect me now actually. My favorite thing I drank this month (and am drinking in the picture) was a Christmas cookie latte – hot.

Anyway, this is my favorite spot to come to. I come in and either caught up on some social media stuff, or try to write for my book. Sometimes I will even just journal too.

December 8, 2021

My friend, Tawnie, and I ended up going to eat Mexican at our favorite place where I ordered a strawberry margarita. A strawberry margarita which had very few strawberries and a whole lot of tequila. Not going to lie, I got pretty tipsy, and I did not even finish my drink. It was a super fun night though. We took a couple pictures like the one above. We then went to this house that had those Christmas lights where you turn your radio station to a certain one and it plays in tune with the lights. That was pretty cool.

December 9, 2021

My babies have been super cuddly. It is rare for me to not have one in my lap unless I just don’t let them.

December 12.2021

Khole and I spent quite a bit of time at my Pa’s house. Khole loves to go up there, and I think my Pa loves it too.

December 12, 2021

Yes, I took a picture with Santa. Regrets? None. He was actually a pretty funny dude.

December 14, 2021

This drink is called a patio punch, and these are dangerous. These have three different kinds of alcohol in them and you can’t taste a single one. They are super good though. This night I went to see a friend play some live music at this pizza bar. It was a really good night.

My cat, Leo, lays like this all the time. He is so cute half the time. The other half he is the devil. But he sure loves his Mama.

Gym update: I still go. Often. This month I even got one of my coworkers to start going with me as well.

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