Daily & Weekly Self-Care Ideas

I am a virgo, and a huge fan of lists. Lists help me get things done. Without them, I would never know what I am supposed to be doing. My memory is so bad that I need them on the daily. I have noticed here lately that I have severely been slacking on my self-care. Today I decided to construct a list of daily self-care ideas to follow.

  • Meditate
  • Take vitamins
  • Drink (at least) 32 oz of water
  • Read one chapter of a book
  • Tidy up living space
  • Use sugar scrub / moisturize
  • Wash face
  • Do something creative
  • Eat 3x a day
  • Stretch

I have been so bad about not doing any of these. I know doing these can help my mental health, and I hope it does. I want to try to do these for a month straight and then give an update about how it has helped me or not. My main priority for 2022 is going to be self-care. I have neglected myself for so long, I need to put myself as a priority. I also have some weekly self-care things that I want to do.

  • Unsubscribe to junk mail
  • Hair / face mask
  • Dance party
  • Journal
  • Write in gratitude journal
  • Write in manifestation journal

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