May Goals

It is May already – wow! I was proud of my accomplished goals last month. I hope to do as well this month!

Post 4 YouTube videos

I want to post at least 4 YouTube videos this month. However, I am going to try to post twice a week, but if I don’t do that I am going to at least once a week.

Post 4 blog post

I have two planned so far (including this one), but I want to at least post four. I will try to post at least once a week on here.

Post 3 days a week on Tumblr

I want to try and post on my Tumblr more. I am on there all the time, but I rarely post anything. I have two actually so I’ll post on either one.

Read 2 books

I did not do this last month, but I hope to this month. I want to finish a book this week so I can start reading the twilight series. That series is one that’s a fast read so I might even read more than two books this month.

Take more pictures

I want to take more pictures as I hardly take any anymore.

Complain less

This is mostly toward complaining at work. I have decided I am just going to go about my life and my job and not worry about other people.

Take vitamins

This week I have a package of vitamins coming in from care/of. I am so excited to try this out. I know I am not getting enough vitamins in me.

Get some vitamin D (sun)

I really need to be outside more. It always makes me feel better when I do.

I hope to stay organized this month. I go through periods of being really organized to not at all. (That’s depression for you).

What are some of your goals for this month?

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