April Goals RECAP

I can’t believe it is already the end of April! Time flies. Here’s the recap of my April goals.

Post 4 YouTube videos

I have actually met my goal this month! I posted 4 YouTube videos exactly. The two weeks prior to this one, I post two YouTube videos a week. I was going to post two this week, but I decided on just one.

Post 4 blogs

This post makes the 5th one I posted this month.

Take more pictures

I have taken a few more pictures! Which reminds me, I need to slightly edit them soon.

Be more organized

I have been SO much more organized here lately. My planner has definitely been used.

Read 2 books

I only read one book this month. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas. I tried reading two, but the one I had picked was not interesting so I did not finish it.

Practice writing

I have been writing more than I was as I was writing none at all. I have posted more blogs on here and on Tumblr.

Take things to Goodwill

I have actually taken things to Goodwill twice this month. I’ve been cleaning a bit and got rid of a lot of clothes.

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