I Started At-Home Workouts

At the end of May, my best friend and I started going to a local gym. We typically went at least five days a week. While I may have worked my arms and my abs – I think that was it. I feel like I didn’t push myself hard enough. I did the same things every time I went.

I’m not saying gyms aren’t good. I go to my school’s gym, and I probably feel more at home there because most people around me are my age. There are also a ton of fun, free classes at the gym at my school.

For a few weeks, I stopped working out completely. I barely had any motivation going to the gym so you could forget about me doing my own at-home workouts.

However, one of my friends is a coach on Beachbody. (It’s this great workout program that you should checkout.) I don’t know if it is required or not, but she has been posting about her workouts every single day. She’s talked about how good it has made her feel. It sparked my interest.

What drew me in completely to start working out again was when she talked about the preworkout she used – Beachbody Performance Energize.

The main reason I don’t workout like I want to is because I don’t have the energy to do so. As soon as she talked about it, I knew that I needed to try it.

I got it in the mail, and I love it! I have worked out for three days straight so far.

It may not seem like much, but I already feel better mentally. I’ve also been more productive. When I didn’t have to work, I usually didn’t want to do ANYTHING. Now I do my own random workouts. I’ll do some outside, but I’ll also play music inside and dance/workout. I’ll even get things done afterward that I’ve wanted to do.

I know when I’m sweaty, but happy I’ve had a good workout.

Here’s pictures of my day 2 & 3:


I’ll post more on my overall progress in a few weeks or so. I will be posting my every day progress on my instagram @ kyoun42

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