Three MORE ways to win my heart


Day 6: Five three ways to win your heart.

5 Ways to Win My Heart is a previous post I have written on the topic. Those five are definite ways to win my heart.

1. Love cats and dogs as much as I do.

Cats and dogs are my life. Not to mention, I have several of both so if you hate them then it would not work out at all. Also, you can’t hate/dislike penguins. Penguins are the cutest things ever.

Penguin at the Gatlinburg Aquarium

2. Space

I have a personal bubble, and I don’t like when people invade that personal space (all the time). I mentioned in my previous post three pet peeves about how I don’t like people being in my personal space. I appreciate when people understand and respect that. If someone does not respect that then I will more than likely pull away from them.

3. Food

Food makes me happy. I turn into one of those typically girls that dance while they are eating. If a person buys or makes me food then I will probably keep them around a little bit longer (lol). This was the reason I kept some guys around for longer than they should have been (mostly kidding).

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