Three pet peeves that all have to do with people

Day 3: What are your top three pet peeves?

I have posted about some of my pet peeves in the past. You can find it at the link 5 Pet Peeves. I have quite a few pet peeves, but I picked out only three other pet peeves that I have.

1. Judgmental people

There are so many judgmental people in this world. They want to judge people based on how they look, act, dress, speak, love, etc. In my opinion, I don’t think it should matter as long as no one is hurting anybody. Plus, it’s exhausting to judge people all the time. People really put all this time in effort to talk bad about people when they could be filling the world with love instead of all this hate.

2. Personal bubble

I’m not usually a touchy-feely person. I have a space that I don’t like for people to be in. There are always exceptions. If I’m really sick or tired, I might want to cuddle up with someone. I also am more lenient when I have a boyfriend. Boyfriend cuddles are the best ok. However, I do have (a lot) of times where I don’t want people to invade my personal bubble. When people do invade my bubble, I’ll usually try to move as soon as possible, and if they are trying to give me a hug I won’t hug them back. I don’t mean to be rude – I just like my space.

3. Thinking you are always right

I cannot stand people who will not admit that they are wrong or that there might be more than one answer. I know people who will argue with you until they are blue. I’ve learned that instead of letting that kind of negativity take over I just say, “You can think what you think, but I am going to think what I think. I’m not going to argue about this anymore.” Truth be told, I don’t usually do most of the “arguing.” I state my opinion then I hear a lecture why they think I’m wrong. I tend to walk away.

Do you have any pet peeves? Comment some of your pet peeves!



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