10 things that make me really happy

I am never motivated to come up with anything to write about. This goes with writing a blog post and for a book. It wasn’t always this way, but here lately I’ve been in a writer’s block.

However, I was searching on Pinterest the other day, and I found a 30 day writing challenge that I thought was perfect for my blog. My book is still struggling lol.

Let’s hope I can keep writing every day. If you would like to join in on this challenge, take a look at my last post here!

Day 1 – List 10 things that make you really happy

(1) My animals

My animals (4 cats & 1 dog) are my babies. To be honest, they are not all mine, but I treat them as if they were. My favorite thing to do (if my cats will let me) is to hold them in my arms as if they were a baby. What’s baby fever? I only know of kitten fever.

(2) Working out

Working out helps my mental health. If I am ever anxious at school, I always head to the gym. I’ll either do some yoga (their classes are amazing) or I’ll go for a run. It genuinely makes me feel better. I also like doing other things/classes, but those are my two main ones that I do in order to make myself feel better.

(3) Coffee (with or without friends)

Coffee is life. I love drinking coffee – especially with friends. It’s perfect when a friend and I can sit together, talk and sip on some coffee.

(4) Walking outside (especially hiking)

When I am in a good mood, walking outside is perfect. I love listening to the birds and looking at the scenery. I walk around my college town quite a bit.

(5) Reading books/blog posts

I’ve always been a book reader. Sadly, I have not been able to read as much as I used to before I graduated high school, but I do occasionally when I have the time to read. Do you recommend any? I try to read blog posts every day. I find them very interesting.

(6) Harry Potter

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love Harry Potter. Almost everyone at least has one thing that they are obsessed with. Harry Potter is mine. I’m thinking about making a youtube video about all the Harry Potter stuff I have. Spoiler alert; it’s a lot.

(7) Socializing

I used to be extremely introverted. I never wanted to talk to people that weren’t one the very few close friends I had. I was super shy, and I could barely speak to people when spoken too. Sometimes it’s still hard, but since I started college and started working at a restaurant, I have become more extroverted. Talking to people (that aren’t toxic) makes me happy.

(8) Traveling

Getting away from my town makes me happier. I love going on vacation and getting away from everything. I hope to find a job that allows me to travel. Staying in one place makes me feel trapped.

(9) Working

You may be thinking “working makes you happy? You must be crazy!” I might be crazy for liking to work, but I love how it keeps me busy. It’s something that I HAVE to do so it makes me get out of my house. Otherwise, sometimes I don’t want to do anything. Those days don’t turn out so great.

(10) Music

I love singing at the top of my lungs. It puts me in a good mood to do that and dance too.

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