My Fitness Journey Begins

I have been putting off getting in shape for a very long time. I used to go to the gym at my school regularly, but this whole year I have made some excuse as to why I shouldn’t go. (Most of the time it was because I was “too tired.”)

I’m back home, and I’ve finally talked myself into joining a gym (with my friend) for the summer.

Today was my first day, and I am kind of proud of myself! I wanted to blog about it so I could stay motived to keep working out and growing stronger. I might do a progress on how I look and feel every 1-2 weeks.

I also want advice. What workouts should I do to improve upper body strength? I’m also walking/jogging/running because I want to be able to do a marathon one day.

Can someone help me out with a workout plan?

I’m going to post pictures down below of what I look like now. (I know I have a dirty mirror, but it’s my mom’s mirror, and I am too lazy to clean it.)

Day 1:

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